Category Archives: Venice

Remember Last Year When We Learned That LAPD Was Helping Psychopathic NIMBY Housedwellers To Install Illegal Anti-Encampment Planters — And I Filed A Complaint Against A Bunch Of Them From Pacific Division — Well In June 2020 LAPD Informed Me That They Had Completed Their Investigation And Declared My Complaint “Unfounded” — And Invited Me To Ask Them Questions If I Had Any — Which I Did — Namely Would They Release The Results Of The Investigation — And The Investigator — A Dude Known As Sergeant Paul Aeschliman — Told Me He Wasn’t Allowed To Release The Info — But He Didn’t Know Why He Wasn’t Allowed — And The Laws He Cited In Support Of His Position Actually Didn’t Forbid The Release Of The Documents — So That Discussion Is Ongoing Even If The Officers Aren’t Busted For Their Illegal Planter Placing — Or Not Yet Anyway!

It’s strange in these apocalyptic times to remember that just last year anti-encampment planters, illegally placed on sidewalks in utter antisocial defiance of the law, were such a huge part of the City’s discussions about the rights of the unhoused. The planters were set up by psychopathic NIMBYs like Mark Ryavec, assisted by the LAPD, the Venice Neighborhood Council, and CD11 rep Mike Bonin, who lied about his office’s involvement until emails revealed the deep complicity of his former Venice field deputy Taylor Bazley.1

I ended up reporting Bazley to the Los Angeles Ethics Commission and a bunch of LAPD officers to Internal Affairs. I haven’t heard back about Bazley yet2 but last month I did hear back from LAPD about the officers I’d complained about. Here’s their response, also transcribed below. Can you imagine?! LAPD investigated themselves and discovered that they were innocent! We knew it would happen, and it did. What turns out to be slightly more interesting is my subsequent conversation with Paul Aeschliman, the officer who conducted the investigation,
Continue reading Remember Last Year When We Learned That LAPD Was Helping Psychopathic NIMBY Housedwellers To Install Illegal Anti-Encampment Planters — And I Filed A Complaint Against A Bunch Of Them From Pacific Division — Well In June 2020 LAPD Informed Me That They Had Completed Their Investigation And Declared My Complaint “Unfounded” — And Invited Me To Ask Them Questions If I Had Any — Which I Did — Namely Would They Release The Results Of The Investigation — And The Investigator — A Dude Known As Sergeant Paul Aeschliman — Told Me He Wasn’t Allowed To Release The Info — But He Didn’t Know Why He Wasn’t Allowed — And The Laws He Cited In Support Of His Position Actually Didn’t Forbid The Release Of The Documents — So That Discussion Is Ongoing Even If The Officers Aren’t Busted For Their Illegal Planter Placing — Or Not Yet Anyway!


Psychopathic Trump-Loving Housedwelling Dog Walker Gabriel Aronson Of Venice — Recommends The Best Way To Deter Homeless Encampments And Rats — Military Grade Acoustic Weapons — Ultrasonic Pain Guns — Developed For The Israeli Army — This Is Not An Exaggeration — This Is Literally What This Person Is Advocating On NextDoor — Uncontradicted By His Audience

Of course everyone knows that NextDoor is 4Chan for housedwelling psychopaths. They get one another so damn revved up about how much their housedwelling selves are suffering because homeless human beings exist that they think it’s normal and OK to talk about firebombing them or shooting them with anti-tank weapons.

And these are seemingly normal people. They have jobs. They own businesses. They appear to be respectable. They must be exposed. And sometimes it’s useful to mock them as well as expose their violent ideas, maybe humiliate them, mess with their Google search results so their friends and co-workers can see how dangerous, how violent they are.

But sometimes their own words are so obviously insane, so completely outside the boundaries of civilized humanity, that it’s only necessary to quote. Behold a NextDoor thread started by a guy named Gabriel Aronson, who owns a Venice pet care business called The Tranquil Dog. He’s advocating on NextDoor for the use of military grade acoustic weapons against homeless human beings.

And these days this is not an anomaly. As Pete White of LA CAN has said: “The current wave of online rhetoric advocating violence and dehumanizing houseless people is much more than ‘good people online simply venting.’ This is a declaration of war.” And also see how not one person criticizes Aronson. Instead they worry about whether these acoustic weapons will also harm dogs or disturb their housedwelling neighbors.1 Here’s how Aronson kicked off the discussion:
Continue reading Psychopathic Trump-Loving Housedwelling Dog Walker Gabriel Aronson Of Venice — Recommends The Best Way To Deter Homeless Encampments And Rats — Military Grade Acoustic Weapons — Ultrasonic Pain Guns — Developed For The Israeli Army — This Is Not An Exaggeration — This Is Literally What This Person Is Advocating On NextDoor — Uncontradicted By His Audience


Remember Mike Bonin’s Former Venice Field Deputy Taylor Bazley? — The One Who Was Always Going On About How He — And His Boss — And The Rest Of The Damn Staff — Didn’t Have Anything To Do With Those Damn Planters? — But It Turned Out That He Did? — Well Now It Turns Out That He’s Been Encouraging Housedwellers To Place Planters At Least Since 2017 — To “Harden” Streets “From Future Encampments” — And Other Such Nasty Language — Never Once Mentioning Beauti-Freaking-Fication — And Those Recent Planters Behind Whole Foods On Lincoln? — The Venice Neighborhood Council Paid For Two Of Them! — Public Money Spent On Actually Illegal Things — This Is Very Not OK — Last Thing — Mark Ryavec Acknowledges In Writing How Much Help His Planter Placer Buddies Have Gotten From LAPD — The Whole Thing Is So Gross

Here’s a little self-quoting for background:

Everybody knows about those damn planters in Venice, but we’re just beginning to learn the depth of the City’s complicity with the angry housedwelling planter-placers. And fairly recently I obtained some emails that proved that Mike Bonin’s staff, if not Bonin himself, have been very complicit indeed, which led me to file a complaint with the City Ethics Commission against one of them, Taylor Bazley.

And today I have some serious new information about the planters. First, some planters were recently installed near the Whole Foods at Lincoln and Rose. It turns out that two of these planters, as illegal as all the rest of them, were paid for by the Venice Neighborhood Council, which allocated $600 for two of them at its meeting on January 8, 2019. You can read all about it in the minutes and agendas.

The process was initiated by solipsistic Venice housedweller Tatiana Morrison, whose ridiculous Go Fund Me is still at less than forty percent of its goal, with this formal request to VNC for money. Like so many of the zillionaire classes, when her pathetic attempts at putative self-reliance failed miserably, she was perfectly happy to misappropriate public funds to accomplish her misbegotten goals.

So here we have the City of Los Angeles, through its department the Venice Neighborhood Council, spending public money on things that violate actual laws. If they had spent the $600 on, say, cocaine, it would have been legally, ethically, morally, the same thing although much, much less harmful to society. I’m not exactly sure if there’s any recourse for this kind of thing, or at least any affordable recourse, but I’m thinking about it and I will be sure to let you know if anything presents itself.

Now on to your friendly neighborhood psychopath, Mark Ryavec. Everyone knows he and his Klown Kar Krew of Venice housedwellers have been one of the major forces behind the deluge of illegal planter placings and that the LAPD has been helping him out big time, even though LAPD Chief Michel Moore has publicly denied that his folks are involved at all. But nevertheless, documentary evidence of these well-known facts has been fairly sparse. That’s why this email exchange from August 2018 between Ryavec and Taylor Bazley, Mike Bonin’s former field deputy for Venice1 is so important. Here Ryavec, trying to cajole some money out of Bazley, makes the following admission against interest:2
We – the residents – have done allthe heavy lifting with the beautification effort, with the only real assistance from the City coming from the LAPD. To date we have raised over $35,000 for this effort and provided countless hours of volunteer labor. Can the City of Los Angeles at least make an effort to provide trash bins and regularty empty them?

And finally, now, on to the main thing.3 It’s also well-known that Taylor Bazley has repeatedly denied his involvement with the planters. And yet, behold this email conversation from December 2017 between Bazley and former VNC member and all-round sociopathic housedweller Matt Shaw about placing some planters on Third Avenue in Venice.4 And despite all the denials, it’s Bazley who’s the instigator: “Can we push this ball over the hill? lf we wait until the problem is back and there is urgency it might be too late…” And despite all the talk about beautification, Bazley’s very explicit about the purpose being anti-homeless: “I think that will harden 3rd significantly from future encampments.”
Continue reading Remember Mike Bonin’s Former Venice Field Deputy Taylor Bazley? — The One Who Was Always Going On About How He — And His Boss — And The Rest Of The Damn Staff — Didn’t Have Anything To Do With Those Damn Planters? — But It Turned Out That He Did? — Well Now It Turns Out That He’s Been Encouraging Housedwellers To Place Planters At Least Since 2017 — To “Harden” Streets “From Future Encampments” — And Other Such Nasty Language — Never Once Mentioning Beauti-Freaking-Fication — And Those Recent Planters Behind Whole Foods On Lincoln? — The Venice Neighborhood Council Paid For Two Of Them! — Public Money Spent On Actually Illegal Things — This Is Very Not OK — Last Thing — Mark Ryavec Acknowledges In Writing How Much Help His Planter Placer Buddies Have Gotten From LAPD — The Whole Thing Is So Gross


“Firebomb His Van. He’ll Move” — Just Some Psychopathic Venice Housedwellers Musing — In Public No Less — About Murdering A Homeless Human Being Living In A Van By Burning Him To Death — His Sins? — They Feel Scared — They Think He Steals Bikes — He Urinates — He Hangs Laundry On A Tree — Therefore He Must Die

It ought to be easy enough in this City at this moment to get just too used to the casual sadism, the genocidal urge, the unhinged anger, the antihuman racism, the unreasoning relentless violence, directed by sociopathic housedwellers towards our homeless neighbors, including the calls to use starvation as a policy tool. It ought to be easy enough because of the ubiquity of the hatred, the relentless ever-present angry self-pitying rhetoric, but it’s not, it never is, there’s no bottom to this pit and no getting used to its horrors. Just for instance see this post right here on the Venice (California) Facebook page, and here’s a screenshot in case something changes over there.

It seems there’s a person living in a van at Venice and Louella. And the neighbors don’t like it. So Swedish canine-mold-detection specialist Yvonne Sjostrand1 posted a rambling cri de coeur about the vandweller and then, just like that, the usual conversation began yet again. Garcetti won’t do anything, cops won’t do anything, stolen bikes, human excrement, unaesthetic laundry, insert facile self-serving cynicism here, blah blah blah. Until things took a decidedly darker turn with the appearance in the conversation of one Joel De Gan, a housedwelling member of the same profession that built the infrastructure of genocide in Nazi Germany, employed by LinkedIn, with a simple plan. Firebomb his van, he’ll move.

And then all the other Facebook warriors were like ummm, Joel, we hate homeless people too but we don’t want to murder them, we just want them to move to Lancaster or Culver City or whatever. Just kidding, none of them said anything about Joel’s suggestion, and five of them took the trouble to click to like or smileyface it. Because not only does murder strike these housedwellers as an appropriate response to a human being living somewhere they don’t want him to live, but it’s an unremarkable response as well.
Continue reading “Firebomb His Van. He’ll Move” — Just Some Psychopathic Venice Housedwellers Musing — In Public No Less — About Murdering A Homeless Human Being Living In A Van By Burning Him To Death — His Sins? — They Feel Scared — They Think He Steals Bikes — He Urinates — He Hangs Laundry On A Tree — Therefore He Must Die


George Francisco — Venice Neighborhood Council Candidate — And Supreme Boss Of The Venice Chamber Of Commerce — And Notably Creepy Little Zillionaire — Speaks Publicly Of His Vast And Unbounded Support For The LGBTQ Community Of Venice — And In Private It Appears That He Will Say “I Have Gotten A Lot Of Mileage Out Of That Rainbow Shit” — So — You Know — Vote Your Conscience On Sunday, Friends

Yoicks, man! This George Francisco fellow is like a Russian nesting doll where the layers get surrealler rather than tinier. The other day I wrote about a complaint filed against the dude for taking money from developers to arrange for supportive comments at public meetings. Evidently inspired by that a source sent me what really appears to be a screenshot of more of Francisco’s text messages. These ones are about the famous raising of the world’s largest rainbow flag last year by Venice Pride.

As you can imagine, all of the world’s Francisco-adjacent organizations, along with every sane person in the whole wide world, are deeply supportive of LGBTQ people. And as you can imagine, they will happily tell the whole world about this, which is as it should be. Why, e.g., just look at this press release from the Venice Chamber of Commerce, in which Francisco is a reasonably powerful figure, and its quite direct, quite laudable, statement that “The Venice Chamber of Commerce is strongly in support of our LGBTQ members and the wider LGBTQ community and we always will be.”

Or also this screenshot from the Venice Sign Insta account or the direct link here announcing how the sign will be lit up in rainbow colors for Pride Month, which is June of 2019.1 The text is inspiring:

The historic Venice Sign will be lit up in rainbow hues during the month of June to celebrate diversity and equality for all. This year also marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, and the VCC os
[sic] proud to join commemorating a key moment in the struggle for inclusion and LGBTQ rights.

Laudable sentiments indeed, O Iconic Venice Sign! But what does your human controller, George Francisco, have to say about LGBTQ issues when he thinks no one’s listening? Well, it appears from this apparent screenshot that apparently it is something more along the lines of:

I have gotten a lot of mileage out of that rainbow shit.

Which is more true? Well, I leave discernment up to you! And turn the page for images of the screenshots.
Continue reading George Francisco — Venice Neighborhood Council Candidate — And Supreme Boss Of The Venice Chamber Of Commerce — And Notably Creepy Little Zillionaire — Speaks Publicly Of His Vast And Unbounded Support For The LGBTQ Community Of Venice — And In Private It Appears That He Will Say “I Have Gotten A Lot Of Mileage Out Of That Rainbow Shit” — So — You Know — Vote Your Conscience On Sunday, Friends


Remember How CD11 Staffie Taylor Bazley Helped Mark Ryavec And The Rest Of His Psychopathic Housedwelling Venice Klown Kar Krew Install Illegal Planters By Asking Brian Buchner To Call In A Sweep? — Well He Did — And This Morning I Turned Him In To The Ethics Commission For Doing It — Get A Copy Of The Complaint Right Here!

Quick update time! Psychopathic homeless-hating housedwellers in Venice have been illegally dropping anti-encampment planters all over the damn place. I obtained some emails via the California Public Records Act that proved that Mark Ryavec, Carlos Torres and assorted other members of their fashy little beerhall fight clubs, the Venice Stakeholders Association and Venice United, were behind the planters with the avid assistance of a bunch of LAPD cops and Taylor Bazley, who is Mike Bonin‘s field deputy for Venice.

Then I turned all the cops in to LAPD Internal Affairs since cops are supposed to enforce the law rather than help a bunch of zillionaires violate the law. But that move, as satisfying as it was, left smarmy little creepy little avid little licker of the dung-encrusted boots of zillionaires Taylor Bazley unreported anywhere for anything to do with his part in the ongoing civic tragedy that is the connivance of our City officials with these illegal planter-placers. Which is a gap in the cosmic order that could not allowed to remain!

And thus, this very morning, I filed a complaint against Bazley with the Los Angeles Ethics Commission. The facts are the same as in the above-mentioned complaint against the cops, but the violations alleged are different because Bazley, at least as far as we know, is not a cop, so he has fewer restrictions on his relations with lawbreaking.
Continue reading Remember How CD11 Staffie Taylor Bazley Helped Mark Ryavec And The Rest Of His Psychopathic Housedwelling Venice Klown Kar Krew Install Illegal Planters By Asking Brian Buchner To Call In A Sweep? — Well He Did — And This Morning I Turned Him In To The Ethics Commission For Doing It — Get A Copy Of The Complaint Right Here!


Secret Emails From The Venice United Google Group! — Basically Just More Casually Racist Homeless-Hating Potty-Mouthed Rage-Rants From The Usual Privilege-Drenched Genocidal Venice Housedwelling Psychopaths — Like Sam Awad — Klaus Moeller — Nikoletta Skarlatos — Travis Binen — Who Says Mike Bonin Tempts Kids To Become Homeless In Venice With By Offering Them Free Food And Services — Therefore Venice Homeless Should Be Forcibly Relocated To Lancaster — And Deeply Profoundly Unfathomably Inscrutably Mean-As-A-Damn-Snake Carol Reynes Thinks She Wins The Argument By Saying Venice Is So Bad It Looks Worse Than Mexico — And Senior Lead Officer Kristan Delatori’s Response To This Hateful Madness — Not An Entirely Appropriate 5150 Hold On The Housedwellers — No, She’s All Like Thanks Housedwellers I’ll Be Out Tomorrow To Arrest More Homeless!

Maybe you’ve seen all those mass-manufactured reactionary anti-homeless self-pitying NIMBY yard signs in Venice lately, the garbage-brained slogans on which I won’t dignify by repeating here. And maybe you’ve heard of some of the shadowy little unincorporated associations responsible for them, like e.g. Venice Totalitarianism Unleashed or Venice Snakeholders Ass Sociation or Humane-Kill Homeless Shelters Now! and so on. And one of these creepy little Kool-Aid drinking societies is known as Venice United.

And this particular gang of fauxhemian housedwelling facists has some kind of Google Group which seems to be top secret although maybe I’m just not searching for it right. And one thing they do in their creepy little secret society is send really angry and really crazy emails to one another. And for whatever reason they send copies of them to City officials.1 And that makes them subject to the California Public Records Act.

And that loveliest law is how I obtained this set of absolutely astonishing emails, already described in sufficiently lurid terms in the title, which, in case you’re wondering, is why I have called you all here today. And my freaking goodness, they’re literally batshit insane.2 Even when compared with some of the known masters of the genre, e.g. Anthony Kilhoffer, genocidal anti-homeless psychopath and certified Grammy-winning genius. Or that twisted gang of grinning killers over in Hollywood who want to starve the homeless into oblivion.

Or Carlos Torres, who thinks this blog ought to be shut down until I learn how to be nice to him and his homeless-hating friends. Or this other gang of rage-driven physically violent Hollywood housedwellers consisting of Ferris Freaking Wehbe3 and a bunch of his closest vigilante4 asshole buddies. Even when compared to the Venice planter-placers there’s no question who the magic mirror thinks is the craziest of them all, it’s these folks, and it’s. Not. Even. Close.

And please read the whole spool, because I’m not going to be able to transcribe them all. See evidently famous makeup artist Nikoletta Skarlatos screaming at Venice in all caps to RISE UP AND MIKE BONIN BEWARE! And heavily-armed ice-cream peddler Klaus Moeller and his housedweller dog whistles about Mad Max on the streets of Venice!

And other such freakish lurkers in the emotional ruins of the formerly paradisiacal former slum-by-the-sea! Like for instance LAPD Senior Lead Officer Kristan Delatori listening to these mouth-slaverers, taking them seriously, telling them that she never gives homeless human beings permission to be on sidewalks. Scandalous.

Also, due to exceptionally idiotic redactions, I really can’t transcribe the recipient lists, and those are really freaking crazy in themselves, including like every reporter in the world. But there are definitely some transcriptions below, mostly of the choicest, most kookiest stuff, so read on!
Continue reading Secret Emails From The Venice United Google Group! — Basically Just More Casually Racist Homeless-Hating Potty-Mouthed Rage-Rants From The Usual Privilege-Drenched Genocidal Venice Housedwelling Psychopaths — Like Sam Awad — Klaus Moeller — Nikoletta Skarlatos — Travis Binen — Who Says Mike Bonin Tempts Kids To Become Homeless In Venice With By Offering Them Free Food And Services — Therefore Venice Homeless Should Be Forcibly Relocated To Lancaster — And Deeply Profoundly Unfathomably Inscrutably Mean-As-A-Damn-Snake Carol Reynes Thinks She Wins The Argument By Saying Venice Is So Bad It Looks Worse Than Mexico — And Senior Lead Officer Kristan Delatori’s Response To This Hateful Madness — Not An Entirely Appropriate 5150 Hold On The Housedwellers — No, She’s All Like Thanks Housedwellers I’ll Be Out Tomorrow To Arrest More Homeless!


Powerpoints From The Secret Meeting Between Garcetti Staffers And The Venice Chamber Of Commerce On March 1, 2019 Are Now Available — They Are Utterly Vapid And Devoid Of Content — Which Is Not Surprising Given That They’re Merely Pretextual — The Zillionaire Ruling Classes Have Many Such Empty Excuses To Hold Conclaves With City Officials — It Is Always What’s Not On The Agenda That Matters

Maybe you remember that on March 1, 2019 representatives from the august office of the august Mayor of Los Angeles journeyed westward to Venice to hold a secret creepy little invite-only conclave with local zillionaires, sponsored by the Venice Chamber of Commerce and held at the locally celebrated white supremacist compound known to the world as the Hotel Erwin. Well, it actually happened, and I recently obtained a list of invitees and some emails about the process of planning the confab and wrote a fairly well-received post about the material.

But of course if there are any unifying themes at all to CPRA-based investigations they’d be the fact that (a) material trickles in very, very slowly and (b) it does not arrive in any particular order.1 Which is why it’s getting close to eight weeks after that first post and I have just recently obtained the presentation materials from that tip-top secret meeting, which is why I have taken up my metaphorical pen this morning and am metaphorically scribbling this note to you! There are three items on the menu this morning.2 These are:

And of course, look at them if you want to. Publishing public records is a big part of what we do here at the blog and there’s not much point in publishing if nobody reads. But I will tell you in advance that there’s absolutely nothing interesting in the content of these documents. They say nothing at all and they say it in an incredibly tedious manner.

Not only that, but they’re obviously reworkings of generic presentations that these City staffers and the people from the Los Angeles Tourism Board have given many times, only very lightly edited to reflect the interests of this particular audience. There’s nothing in these powerpoints that needed to be said at all, let alone to be said in person. But nevertheless, it would be an error to write this off as the usual booshwah spewed in such astonishing volume by real-estaties. In fact, the very lack of content is itself the medium that’s communicating the extremely important message.
Continue reading Powerpoints From The Secret Meeting Between Garcetti Staffers And The Venice Chamber Of Commerce On March 1, 2019 Are Now Available — They Are Utterly Vapid And Devoid Of Content — Which Is Not Surprising Given That They’re Merely Pretextual — The Zillionaire Ruling Classes Have Many Such Empty Excuses To Hold Conclaves With City Officials — It Is Always What’s Not On The Agenda That Matters


The Venice Neighborhood Council Election Just Went Thermonuclear — This Very Day Upstart Vice-Presidential Candidate Grant Turck Filed A Bombshell Complaint Against Incumbent And Creepy Little Venice Zillionaire George Francisco — Very Credibly Alleges Bribe-Taking — And Misuse Of Position To Create A Private Advantage — And Soliciting Gifts From Restricted Sources — And Illegally Receiving Compensation To Communicate With Intent To Influence — And There Are What Appear To Be Copies Of George Francisco’s Texts And Emails — Outlining An Exchange Of $5,000 For Lining Up Speakers To Support A Project Before City Planning — It Looks Really Bad For Old George

OK, elections are coming up for the Venice Neighborhood Council.1 And you can read this excellent guide to the candidates and the issues at the excellent Free Venice Beachhead. And of course you know our old friend, the creepy little Venice zillionaire himself, George Francisco, who is long-time Vice President of the VNC.

He’s famously also president of the Venice Chamber of Commerce, as well as the supergenius who once got the LAPD to relocate a homeless man who happened to be in the way of some nonsensical “high-impact event” he was planning on the site of the guy’s tent.And his opponent in the already-highly-charged election is Venice Pride head Grant Turck. And there are some debates coming up and stuff, but Turck isn’t holding fire, not holding at all.

This afternoon, May 17, 2019, Turck filed this complaint against George Francisco with the Los Angeles City Ethics Commission. He alleges very credibly a number of extremely serious violations of various governmental ethics ordinances. What’s more amazing is that he has copies of what really appear to be Francisco’s text messages and emails implicating himself in what look like some really deeply shady shenanigans.

Even if nothing comes of this matter, and who can say what will happen when the Ethics Commission is involved, it ought to make the debates interesting and, maybe, just maybe, it’ll be enough to get the creepy little zillionaire tossed out of the temple2 if not into the slammer. Read on for a transcription of Turck’s work and images of the amazing text messages and emails.
Continue reading The Venice Neighborhood Council Election Just Went Thermonuclear — This Very Day Upstart Vice-Presidential Candidate Grant Turck Filed A Bombshell Complaint Against Incumbent And Creepy Little Venice Zillionaire George Francisco — Very Credibly Alleges Bribe-Taking — And Misuse Of Position To Create A Private Advantage — And Soliciting Gifts From Restricted Sources — And Illegally Receiving Compensation To Communicate With Intent To Influence — And There Are What Appear To Be Copies Of George Francisco’s Texts And Emails — Outlining An Exchange Of $5,000 For Lining Up Speakers To Support A Project Before City Planning — It Looks Really Bad For Old George


This blog that you are hosting is supported by drug dealers ignorant dwellers that want to continue this nightmare that are going way beyond freedom of speech they are accusing us of being sociopaths human haters and more horrible accusations they are insulting us and calling us names They need to be shut down until they find a way to be productive and compassionate to society Is not legal is not fair this blog is putting public safety in jeopardy They need to be shut down Hope you can understand the situation and shut them down — In Case You Were Wondering What Human-Hating Sociopathic Venice Housedweller Carlos Torres Thinks Of My Blog — And Then There’s Super-Genius Andy Kleinman — Whose Email Address Is If You Care — Another Planter-Placing Venice Housedweller Who’s Mad As A Damn Hornet

Oh my goodness, well, of course you remember my recent discovery of the identities of a bunch of planter-placing homeless-hating Venice housedwellers and the criminal conspiracy they’re engaged in with the Los Angeles Police Department and Mike Bonin’s psychopathic staffie Taylor Bazley. And not only that but these sociopathic criminals, supergeniuses that they are, communicate their conspiratorial intentions amongst themselves by email. And those emails are public records.

But when I publish them on the internet they get really mad, it turns out. And they accuse me of all kinds of crazy stuff, like defaming them, or illegally publishing their email addresses, or being in league with drug dealers, or calling them names.1 And, because they haven’t learned any kind of lesson at all, it seems, they do all this via email, which obviously I’m going to publish because what the hell else would I do?

First take a look at this little slab of puckey from the marginally more sane than the other guy Andy Kleinman about my “post from a few weeks ago where you’re publicly attacking me and other people regarding the issue with the homeless encampments and planters in Venice.” What was wrong with it, Andy? Well, says Andy, “You put my email address, my name and my company, which from the get go is illegal because you’re doing it without my authorization and you’re defaming me without evidence. You also did the same with my neighbors.”

I mean, I don’t know about you, but if I don’t want something known to the world, like my email address (his is if you’re interested) I don’t put it in a public record. But maybe that’s just me? And he blabs on for quite a while about how he’s really a good person and he really loves homeless people but these aren’t normal homeless people because they shit in his bushes and scare his wife. You can read the whole thing after the break. The worst thing they did? Their very existence prevented him from selling his house.

But then comes human hating housedweller Carlos Torres, president of the super-shady racketeer influenced and corrupt organization known as Venice Neighbors United. He’s so mad at me that he sent an email to my domain registrar demanding that they stop hosting my blog because I’m such a damn meanie.2 And, you know, I started writing this post with the best of intentions. I was going to address Carlos Torres’s points rationally, one by one, with all due civility.3 But it turns out not to be possible. Got to just quote the guy. Here’s a small teaser from his email. See the whole thing after the break along with Andy Kleinman’s.

This blog that you are hosting is supported by drug dealers ignorant dwellers that want to continue this nightmare

These people are obviously in business with drug distribution and have been posting residents emails, pictures and putting information about our personal life’s on their blog, they are insulting us and calling us names. They have put our very personal information on their blog, we are families, he is putting us in danger !!!!

You are hosting a very dangerous group of individuals that are going way beyond freedom of speech , they are accusing us of being sociopaths, human haters and more horrible accusations. This couldn’t be further from the truth, we been working to help the homeless community for over 20 years but this wave of drug addicts have been terrorizing our neighborhood .

Continue reading This blog that you are hosting is supported by drug dealers ignorant dwellers that want to continue this nightmare that are going way beyond freedom of speech they are accusing us of being sociopaths human haters and more horrible accusations they are insulting us and calling us names They need to be shut down until they find a way to be productive and compassionate to society Is not legal is not fair this blog is putting public safety in jeopardy They need to be shut down Hope you can understand the situation and shut them down — In Case You Were Wondering What Human-Hating Sociopathic Venice Housedweller Carlos Torres Thinks Of My Blog — And Then There’s Super-Genius Andy Kleinman — Whose Email Address Is If You Care — Another Planter-Placing Venice Housedweller Who’s Mad As A Damn Hornet
