First we have facilitator Peter Robinson, now at Pepperdine. We don’t have much to say about him except that, according to his Pepperdine bio, he’s got an excellent sense of humor. He’d have to have, wouldn’t he?

Cassella mentioned that the empty old Hollywood Rubber Stamp building on Santa Monica Blvd. is empty and that it could be an ideal location for Landreth’s program. She went on by saying she has been in the building and there is quite a bit of off street outdoor open space contained within. She added that there are no for sale or lease signs on the building, and she knows that the owner is very hard to reach.
McCaslin added that from his perspective Landreth’s feeding program located at corner of La Brea and Romaine is somewhat doomed because of the future development. He continued by saying that the idea of a building such as the old Hollywood Rubber Stamp building sounds ideal. He added that the City and/or County would need to be involved for this to be a success. Robinson added that if a building like the old Hollywood Rubber Stamp building could be purchased, there would still be many issues of ongoing finance and management. Cassella added that bringing the old building up to code would be a formable [sic] challenge. Parker said the building could become a multi-service facility and Landreth’s organization would be just one of the tenants there. Others could be medical services and such. McCaslin summed up things by saying, or rather asking, if the old Hollywood Rubber Stamp building could be a focus and to begin looking for other organizations to partner with in the effort to obtain the building. He also added that a written proposal would be needed.Parker said that the old Hollywood Rubber Stamp building possibly could be leased and not purchased, which could be an advantage for the property’s owner. Parker continued with mentioning that two of the BID’s Board members are in real estate, Mike Malick and Thor Lee, and they could possibly be helpful. He continued by saying they could get information about the building. McCaslin added that when contacting the owner or getting information, it may not be the best idea to mention who would be the new tenant. He said the owner could be reluctant and put off by the possibility of leasing to such new tenants.
Parker and Cassella said they will discuss all with Mike Malick and Thor Lee, and they will come back to the group with some information.
Look at ’em all! They don’t even know the owner of the building and they’ve already got his property turned into a full-scale “multi-service” facility, whatever the hell that is. They’re so hot to get the food coalition away from La Brea Avenue and its myriad forthcoming real-estate apotheosoi5 that they’re requisitioning a building, deciding whether it’d be best for the owner, who’s not there and hasn’t had any input, to sell or to lease. They’re that eager to get rid of the GWHFC. But, even if the owner’s Martian voices would have told him to sell or lease it to them for their purposes, it was not to be.
LAPD lickspittle community service honcho Paul Lerner, who him and Girmala, they’re like that, man, that close, delivered the killing blow at a later meeting:
Lerner said that he believes the old Rubber Stamp building is not a possible or potential location for Ted’s program because LAPD Hollywood Division’s Capt. Girmala does not and would not ever support this. Lerner continued by saying that Capt. Girmala has stated this, and it was based on that the old Rubber Stamp building is to close to a public school. He also said that he believes Capt. Girmala does not want the program moved any further into the Hollywood Division area because of the related problems stemming from it.
Whatever’s up with these two, however, it’s important to remember that in a free society private individuals don’t actually need the permission of the police to make real estate deals.7 They’re subject only to zoning regulations. Maybe cops get input into decisions if they’re the kind of decisions that require hearings, but if not they don’t, and even if so they certainly don’t have veto power. Sheesh.
Capt. Girmala said an entrance and exit strategy is needed. She continued by saying that PD officers very often have to be near the corner of Sycamore and Romaine, and that they do not have enough resources for this. Also, Officer Davis commented that if they are called response time might be slow.
No, we don’t want to get all didactic,8 but it’s important to remember here why we even have police in the first place. The only reason is to protect people while they go about their lawful activities. People choose their own laws, then they choose their activities in conformity with those laws, and then the police try to facilitate that by preventing unlawful interference with people’s lawful activities. The police are guided by what’s lawful. What’s lawful is not guided by the police.
If it’s lawful for the GWHFC to feed people at Sycamore and Romaine, and it certainly must be or else they would have been shut down a hundred times over, then it’s the job of the police to protect them in the enjoyment of their legal right, not to sit around whining about how much of their time it takes up. What is their time even for? Anyway, that’s enough of that, and we apologize for taking up your time with a post that’s only tangentially about the BIDs, but it needed saying so we said it.
- In this case, “long-time” means 2 or more days.
- We hate to link to live web pages, but in this case it’s unavoidable, as the latest archived version of Girmala’s bio is sadly out of date.
- If you have some problem with the phrase “center around” please, do everyone a favor and don’t tell us about it. We’ve already heard your reasoning, whatever it is, and it’s stupid and wrong. Thank you.
- We swear, this is true, and you heard it here first. Howard Hughes is still alive and living on one of the minor Sea Islands off the Georgia Coast. He’s surviving on immortality pills that he gets from Martians as part of a deal he made to use RKO to push their secret agenda throughout the Cold War, which explains the whole Kennedy thing and so forth. We heard it straight from Clifford Irving.
- Sorry… SORRY!
- We here at MK.org don’t actually mind marijuana stores and strip clubs or, if we do mind them, we love FREEDOM more than we don’t love strip clubs. This is just an example and we’re not endorsing the mindset behind it.
- It’s possible that in San Francisco people do need permission to make real estate deals even if the deals are within the zoning code. They have the weirdest zoning laws in the country in San Francisco. That’s why we emphasized free society above. Note that we make a lot of stuff up and we talk a lot of smack about San Francisco, and even make stuff up in the course of talking smack, but this is not made up. They really do have very strange zoning laws in Frisco.
- Obviously we do want to get all didactic. We’re just denying it for rhetorical effect and then undercutting our own statement in this footnote also for rhetorical effect.
Picture of Steve Seyler and Bea Girmala is in the public domain, obtained as it was as the fruits of a California Public Records act request from the HPOA. Official LAPD picture of Bea Girmala is likewise in the public domain. Image of Paul Lerner is a screenshot from this video and appears here under a claim of fair use. Image of Hollywood Rubber Stamp Building is ©2015 MichaelKohlhaas.org. Image of Howard Hughes is public domain according to the Wiki-meisters, which is who we got it from and you can too! Picture of chickies is public domain cause ’twas made by the USDA and we got it via Wikimedia. Image of Bancroft Middle School we took straight off the school’s website. Note that they claim that the material on their website is copyrighted, but then, we know better, don’t we. Image of dog wagging tail instead of vice versa is released under the CC BY 3.0 by its creator Paul863 and is available via Wikimedia.