A Random Selection Of Emails Between Carl Lambert Or Mark Sokol And Various Cops Reveal Some Interesting Stuff About Venice — Lambert Divides Venice Neighborhood Council Members Into “Friendlies” And Otherwise — Sokol Arranged A Hotel Room For Officer Peggy Thusing In 2013 — The Venice BID Formation Process — Which Lambert Declared Began “Renaissance Of Venice” — Was Bankrolled By Brian Dror — Lambert Raised Money For Slavering Psychopath Mark Ryavec By Telling Homeless Horror Stories

I recently obtained a small collection of emails between Venice beat cops Kristan Delatori, Peggy Thusing, and the recently self-destructed Nicole Alberca1 and those fan favorite BIDdies Mark Sokol and Carl Lambert. You can peruse the whole set here on Archive dot Org, and in today’s post I’ll discuss a few high/low-lights!

OK, remember the Venice Neighborhood Council election in 2016? The outcome was widely interpreted by sane people as being yet another death blow administered to the longtime rotting corpse of Venice. And now, thanks to this June 2016 day-after email from Carl Lambert to undisclosed recipients including Nicole Alberca we learn that Lambert divides the winners up into friendlies and not-friendlies.

And we learn who the friendlies are! And that there is a supermajority of them! And we also learn that Carl Lambert sends late-night texts to Nicole Alberca! And they make her smile! All these Venice zillionaires and their pet cops are really far too cozy for our safety and comfort, I think.

Oh yes, of course you want to know the names! Well, the friendlies are: George Francisco, Melissa Diner, Matt Kline, Evan White, Matt Royce, Matt Shaw, Robert Thibodeau, Will Hawkins, John Reed, Steve Livigni, Sunny Bak, Cayley Lambur, Jim Murez, Michelle Meepos, and Laurie Burns. And the not friendly? They are Ira Koslow, Hugh Harrison, Ilana Marosi, Erin Darling, Colleen Saro, and Gina Maslow. Got it? And turn the page for more, more, more!

And in case you’re wondering who paid the infernal Tara Devine‘s salary while she was putting the infernal Venice Beach BID package together in 2016, well take a look at this August 23, 2016 email from Carl Lambert celebrating the passage of the first BID ordinance which, due to the lawlessness of the City Council, turned out to be completely illegal and had to be revoked and done over from scratch.

It turns out that it was some equally shadowy zillionaire named Briad Dror, who must be up to something pretty bad, since there’s little to no info about dude on the internet, although I’m reliably informed that he owns a whole block of Venice right on the beach, which is zillionairity indeed. Not only that but he and his family and employees have given more than $70,000 to Los Angeles politicians over the years, although strangely not a penny to Eric Garcetti. Wonder what the story is there? Here’s what Lambert had to say the day after that first election:

On Aug 23, 2016, at 3:23 PM, Carl Lambert < carl@lambertinc.com > wrote:

All, The Vote is in with over 76% approval rating! The vote will be certified and the Council will have a final vote tomorrow.

Thank you all for participating and voting for the BID. A special thanks to Mark Sokol, Steve Heumann, Jack Hoffman and Brad Neal. A special thanks to our fearless and very professional consultant, Tara Devine. Thanks go out to Brian Dror and family for financing the endeavor.

Also, a big thank you to Councilman Mike Bonin and Debbie-Dyner Harris for all their support.

Now the work will begin for the Renaissance of Venice.

To Success,


And now back we go to 2013 with this mysterious email chain from February of that year between now-discredited BIDdie board president Mark Sokol and then-senior-lead-officer Peggy Thusing, wherein for as-yet undiscovered reasons, Sokol is arranging a hotel room on the beach for Thusing, presumably in his own Hotel Erwin, who knows why:

•From:* PEGGY THUSING [mailto:25120@lapd.lacity.org] •Sent:* Wednesday, February 20, 2013 6:39 PM
*To:* mark@mphotel.com
•Subject:* Fwd: HOTEL ROOM


Just want to make sure you got my email. I only will need one room, under
my name(Peggy Thusing)

Thanks again!


From: mark@mphotel.com
Date: 20-Feb-2013 19:06

Hi Peggy, i will have the team take care of it and email you a
confirmation. You should have this tomorrow.

And finally we will close with this little slab of wickedness from May 2013, featuring Carl Lambert exploiting human pain while raising money and consciousness among Venice Boardwalk zillionaires for the purpose of dispossessing homeless human beings of their possessions and at the same time filling the coffers of slavering psychopath Mark Ryavec. I know it ain’t much, friends, but it’s what I have for you this afternoon:

From: carl@lambertinc.com
CC: Arturo Pena
Subject: Stabbing on the Boardwalk
Date: 22 May 2013 10:29

Last night there was a stabbing and a separate beating on the Boardwalk. A man was stabbed by a homeless guy who stole his bike at about 8:30 pm. A few blocks away I witnessed five homeless guys pull a girl down by the hair and start kicking and beating her. I called 911 and the police were there in 90 seconds. The homeless girl refused to press charges against her fellow homeless. I went buy the seen at 12:30 am and the homeless camp was still there on the boardwalk with all there junk and a few homeless guys too!

I mentioned to the police that we were trying to raise the $20,000 for the Warn Tag and Bag program. The police officer stated that when the property gets removed that the homeless go too!

I talked to an owner yesterday and they said that the homeless were not leaving property in front of their building so why should they contribute? They might not see it, but the stuff and the criminal element is around in the alleys and doorways, walk streets and the boardwalk.

We must clean up all of Venice and protect ourselves and our tenants. Westwood had two gang related shootings in the 90s and it is still a ghost town. The shoppers and patrons moved to Santa Monica and never went back. If we have one published incident we can all loose for years to come. If Santa Monica can clean up its problem then so can we.

Please come to the meeting at the Cadillac hotel at 6:30 tonight to hear how we can effectively and humanely clean up our streets.

Checks can be made payable to Venice Stakeholders which is a 501 (C) (3) tax exempt organization. All proceeds will be given to Chrysalis which will be administering the program to clean up your streets.

Please forward this email to all your friends and neighbors.

Thanks for everyone’s support!

Image of Carl Lambert is ©2019 MichaelKohlhaas.Org and you can look at a whole nother version of it in this direction.

  1. For some reason AKA Nicole Mehringer.

One thought on “A Random Selection Of Emails Between Carl Lambert Or Mark Sokol And Various Cops Reveal Some Interesting Stuff About Venice — Lambert Divides Venice Neighborhood Council Members Into “Friendlies” And Otherwise — Sokol Arranged A Hotel Room For Officer Peggy Thusing In 2013 — The Venice BID Formation Process — Which Lambert Declared Began “Renaissance Of Venice” — Was Bankrolled By Brian Dror — Lambert Raised Money For Slavering Psychopath Mark Ryavec By Telling Homeless Horror Stories”

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