I’m pleased to announce our new Documents page, also available through the menu on the header in all its arboreally structured glory. We hope to build this into a repository of records we obtain under the California Public Records Act. So far we just have one item prepared for publication, a report by Steve Seyler of Andrews International Security to the Joint Security Committee of the Hollywood Entertainment District BID and the Sunset-Vine BID. This is the document that Kerry Morrison originally refused to let me read at the meeting. I can see why she was reluctant because it’s not pretty. We’ve redacted it here to try to preserve some shreds of dignity in an ugly set of circumstances. Of course the unredacted original is available on request from Kerry.
Tag Archives: Sunset-Vine BID
The Trees and the Forest

Continue reading The Trees and the Forest
Photo ID required to attend Sunset-Vine BID meeting, hear about tree vandalism
As mentioned briefly below, I attended and filmed a meeting of the Sunset-Vine BID on Tuesday, October 14, 2014. It was held in the Pickford Center of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences on Vine Street. I was required by the Academy’s security guard to produce my driver’s license and to allow him to record my name and DL number in order to gain entrance to the meeting. As long-time readers of this blog know, the Brown Act states that:
Continue reading Photo ID required to attend Sunset-Vine BID meeting, hear about tree vandalism
Our brand new YouTube channel
Hello world! We have a YouTube channel and we know how to use it! Look there for the latest video news about the three Hollywood area BIDs. Our inaugural video is a mind-numbingly boring 48 minute slab of beef showing today’s meeting of the Sunset-Vine BID Board of Directors at the Mary Pickford Center of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences on Vine Street. Watch the whole thing at your peril. We’ll be commenting on a few choice clips as we have time. You can watch the video embedded after the break if you prefer…
Continue reading Our brand new YouTube channel
Seyler: Arrest ’em all to send a message (updated)

Continue reading Seyler: Arrest ’em all to send a message (updated)
Hollywood BIDs flout the Brown Act (updated)
I attended my first meeting of the Sunset-Vine BID and Hollywood Entertainment District Joint Security Committee meeting this morning. It was held in a restaurant called “Cleo” located in The Redbury Hotel. I’ll have more to say about the actual content of the meeting later. For now I’ll just talk about scandalous violations of the Brown Act, a California law regulating public meetings.
Continue reading Hollywood BIDs flout the Brown Act (updated)