I wasn’t allowed to read the report at the meeting, although Kerry Morrison assured me today that a copy is in the mail. I’ll write more when I get it, but here are a couple of highlights. First Steve told us that his officers have some kind of tricycle that they ride around over in front of the Chinese Theatre to provide photo opportunities for tourists from various countries but “especially China.” He said that the Chinese just love having their pictures taken with his trike-riding officers. Seyler said that the tourists go back to their countries and spread positive feedback about Andrews International officers, which helps to counter some of the “negative impressions” that people have of Hollywood.
Moving on, Seyler described an incident in which a number of homeless people were camping in a vacant lot within the BID boundaries. He told us how his officers in concert with the LAPD went over there one morning planning to “arrest all those caught inside in hopes of sending a message to other violators” only to find that there were no trespassers present. That’s one way to communicate, Steve, but you could also, you know, use your words.
No wonder the Chinese love these guys. It’s just like what they’re used to back home.
October 15, 2014: Edited, now that Kerry Morrison has provided me with a copy of Steve Seyler’s report to the Joint Security Committee, to remove some errors. I apologize for these and believe that this report is now accurate.