Tag Archives: Sang Lee

Lunada Bay Boys Plaintiffs File Motions To Compel Defendants Sang Lee And Jeff Kepley To Produce Records, Allege Malicious Destruction Of Evidence, Ask For Sanctions And Attorneys’ Fees! Hearing Set For September 6

For background take a look at this excellent article from the Times on this lawsuit. Also see here to download all pleadings in this case.

A constant theme in the Lunada Bay Boys zillionaire surf thuggery case has been the glacially like-teeth-pulling pace at which the Bay Boys1 have complied with their discovery obligations. The parties have had innumerable telephonic hearings with the Honorable Rozella Oliver, magistrate judge in the case, who has had order meet-and-confers, and order the parties to submit briefs on their attempts to get through discovery, and issue orders, and issue even more orders.

Well today, at least with respect to defendants Sang Lee and Jeff Kepley, matters have evidently reached the point that the plaintiffs have filed motions to compel production of discovery materials and they’re also asking for fees and costs. Here are copies of the two motions along with associated so-called proposed joint statements, which are actually more interesting, containing as they do the facts behind the motions:

The issues, in short, are as follows. With respect to Sang Lee, he improperly withheld text messages, produced an unintelligible privilege log, lied about what he redacted, and so on. With respect to Jeff Kepley, he produced the wrong stuff, produced it in the form of unsearchable image files,2 made improper arguments for not producing stuff, and, crucially, never produced the phone records of various PVE cops who are alleged to be asshole buddies with the Bay Boys.

A hearing on these motions is scheduled for Wednesday, September 6 at 10:00 a.m. in Judge Rozella Oliver’s courtroom F on the 9th floor of the Spring Street federal courthouse at 312 N. Spring Street. Also, a bunch of fairly interesting supplementary material was filed in support of the motions, and you can find links and brief descriptions after the break.
Continue reading Lunada Bay Boys Plaintiffs File Motions To Compel Defendants Sang Lee And Jeff Kepley To Produce Records, Allege Malicious Destruction Of Evidence, Ask For Sanctions And Attorneys’ Fees! Hearing Set For September 6


Lunada Bay Boys Defendant Sang Lee Ordered To Produce Everything On His Damn Phone Except His Home Address, Emails From His Lawyer, And His Porn Collection, And To Do It By 2 P.M. Today

For background take a look at this excellent article from the Times on this lawsuit. Also see here to download all pleadings in this case.

You may recall that, a few days ago, the plaintiffs in the Lunada Bay Boys case filed a bunch of paperwork having to do with defendant Sang Lee’s uncooperative attitude towards his discovery obligations, leading to the Honorable Rozella Oliver, magistrate judge in the case, issuing a minute order telling Sang Lee to get moving and hand over the goods.

Well, they had another telephone conference about Sang Lee’s phone this morning, and Oliver, having inspected everything on the phone in secret, issued an order compelling Sang Lee to hand over everything on the phone except “sensitive personal photographs, Defendant Lee’s residential address, and communications between Defendant Lee and his attorneys.” (As always, there’s a transcription of the order after the break).1 Continue reading Lunada Bay Boys Defendant Sang Lee Ordered To Produce Everything On His Damn Phone Except His Home Address, Emails From His Lawyer, And His Porn Collection, And To Do It By 2 P.M. Today


Lunada Bay Boys Defendant Sang Lee Files Motion To Dismiss All Counts Against Him Except Negligence Cause He Didn’t Do Nothing, Your Honor!

For background take a look at this excellent article from the Times on this lawsuit. Also see here to download all pleadings in this case.

You may recall that the other day, the plaintiffs in the Lunada Bay Boys case filed a bunch of paperwork having to do with defendant Sang Lee’s uncooperative attitude towards his discovery obligations, leading to the Honorable Rozella Oliver, magistrate judge in the case, issuing a minute order telling Sang Lee to get moving and hand over the goods.

Victor Otten’s most recent letter to Sang Lee’s attorneys noted that “… you have stated an intention to file a motion for summary judgement, this will be our last attempt to resolve this matter informally. Moreover, should you file a motion for summary judgement without providing adequate discovery responses, that will be a basis to oppose the motion.”

Well, today Sang Lee filed that very motion to dismiss, along with a bunch of supporting exhibits. His main argument seems to be that all of the plaintiffs have admitted that he personally didn’t do anything to them, so how can he be guilty of intimidating them away from the beach?

Of course, with respect to the allegation of conspiracy, and especially given that, according to Victor Otten, Sang Lee has withheld all the essential evidence, the fact, and it does seem to be a fact, that Sang Lee didn’t intimidate anyone in person seems pretty irrelevant. The plaintiffs’ theory seems to be that he coordinated via cell phone with the actual intimidaters, which certainly sounds like conspiracy to me. Well, as Victor Otten said on July 4, “…should you file a motion for summary judgement without providing adequate discovery responses, that will be a basis to oppose the motion.”

Don’t forget, the hearing on this motion and the parallel motion by Jeff Kepley and the City of PVE is scheduled for August 21, 2017, at 10:00 a.m in James Otero’s courtroom 10C in the First Street Federal Courthouse. Maybe I’ll see you there! Meanwhile, turn the page for links to all the new pleadings.
Continue reading Lunada Bay Boys Defendant Sang Lee Files Motion To Dismiss All Counts Against Him Except Negligence Cause He Didn’t Do Nothing, Your Honor!


Magistrate Judge Rozella Oliver Orders Sang Lee To Produce Under Seal The Results Of Forensic Imaging Of His Phone To Be Examined In Camera In Order To Settle So-Far Intractable Discovery Disputes — Says The Judge: Do It By Friday Morning!

For background take a look at this excellent article from the Times on this lawsuit. Also see here to download all pleadings in this case.

I just reported this morning that the discovery dispute between plaintiffs and defendant Sang Lee remains unresolved. Today at 1:30 p.m. PDT the parties held a telephonic conference with the Honorable Rozella Oliver, magistrate judge in the Lunada Bay Boys proceedings, to discuss the problems. Mere moments ago Oliver filed a minute order explaining what’s to be done at this stage (as always there’s a transcription after the break).

The upshot is that Sang Lee must produce the extraction report on the forensic imaging of his phone and the plaintiffs must produce a list of names they’re looking for in the phone along with a list of the discovery requests they’ve already made to which they believe information on the phone would be responsive. This is all to be submitted under seal, not on PACER, for Rozella Oliver to review in camera, by Friday, July 21, at 9 a.m. After reviewing the evidence the judge will issue an order settling the matter or else schedule another hearing.

Turn the page for the text of the order.
Continue reading Magistrate Judge Rozella Oliver Orders Sang Lee To Produce Under Seal The Results Of Forensic Imaging Of His Phone To Be Examined In Camera In Order To Settle So-Far Intractable Discovery Disputes — Says The Judge: Do It By Friday Morning!


Plaintiffs’ Lawyer Victor Otten Files Declaration And A Bunch Of Exhibits Documenting Absolute Failure Of Lunada Bay Boys Defendant Sang Lee To Cooperate With Discovery, Threatens Motion To Compel Absent Prompt Compliance

For background take a look at this excellent article from the Times on this lawsuit. Also see here to download all pleadings in this case.

Last Thursday the Honorable Rozella Oliver, magistrate judge in the Lunada Bay Boys zillionaire surf thuggery case, ordered various defendants to quit taking the piss and get cracking with their discovery obligations. In particular, the order filed stated with respect to defendant Sang Lee that:

The parties are also directed to file any meet and confer letters regarding the dispute and the privilege log served by Defendant Lee at least 24 hours before the next telephonic hearing.

Well, yesterday evening plaintiffs’ lawyer Victor Otten fulfilled his part of that obligation by filing a declaration and a bunch of letters between his office and Sang Lee’s attorneys about discovery. This is pretty interesting stuff for a number of technical reasons, and there are links and descriptions after the break.
Continue reading Plaintiffs’ Lawyer Victor Otten Files Declaration And A Bunch Of Exhibits Documenting Absolute Failure Of Lunada Bay Boys Defendant Sang Lee To Cooperate With Discovery, Threatens Motion To Compel Absent Prompt Compliance


More Lunada Bay Boys Discovery Shenanigans — Judge Rozella Oliver Yet Again Has To Tell A Bunch Of Putative Grownups To Start Acting Their Damn Age

For background take a look at this excellent article from the Times on this lawsuit. Also see here to download all pleadings in this case.

Well, after the thrilling sagas of discovery lunacy regarding Lunada Bay Boys defendants Jalian Johnston and his asshole buddy Michael Papayans, now come defendants Sang Lee and Charlie and Frank Ferrara, or at least their attorneys, who all had a telephonic conference with Magistrate Judge the honorable Rozella Oliver this morning.

Out of the meeting came this minute order, directing everyone to stop taking the piss and meet and confer and get the discovery moving. In particular the Ferraras have to get their phone records to the plaintiffs by 5 p.m. Monday. You don’t ever want a federal judge bossing you about in boldface type! Of course there’s a transcription after the break.

Somewhat tangentially, but interestingly, Frank Ferrara, who naturally at this point denies there’s any such thing as the Lunada Bay Boys, was famously quoted in Surfer Magazine in 1991 as saying:

One guy comes and surfs it, and then he brings two or three guys and they bring three or four of their friends and it snowballs and gets out of hand. That’s exactly why we want to protect it. I’ve got two little boys who are 7 and 5 and I hope one day they they’ll be out there shralping and tearing it up without a crowd.

At least one of those two little boys is now a named plaintiff in this case along with Dad. So that happened.
Continue reading More Lunada Bay Boys Discovery Shenanigans — Judge Rozella Oliver Yet Again Has To Tell A Bunch Of Putative Grownups To Start Acting Their Damn Age
