There’s a little puzzle hidden away in the two new ones. If you can spot it, drop me a line before I write a post on it1 and win a prize! I won’t approve any comments that give it away, though. No spoilers!
Also, in the face of the incredible, probably illegal, intransigence displayed by CD11 Councilmember Mike Bonin and his weirdo staff with respect to CPRA requests, I am making requests of the BIDs in CD11 for emails to/from lacity.org. Most of these are likely to be with Bonin or his staff, which will let us keep track of what’s going on in the District Office even if CD11 just actually won’t answer CPRA requests at all. It might be interesting, it might be useful, but there’s no way to know until we get the goods. The very first installment of this material comes from the Westchester Town Center BID, specifically from its Executive Director Donald Duckworth.2 Just tonight he handed over minutes and agendas from 2016, with a promise of a lot of emails to follow. For now this is only available on Archive.Org.
Image of Estela Lopez was made by Southern California Public Radio and I found it here. I’m working from the theory that Public Radio is public enough to make its documents public records, so that they’re public domain. I’m sure someone will let me know if I’m wrong.
- It’s going to be at least a few weeks.
- Interestingly, Duckworth was the Venice Beach Property Owners Association’s first choice for their BID consultant. Perhaps there’s some kind of quid pro quo going on in CD11 with respect to this guy’s services? Anyway, as everyone who’s following the issue even tangentially knows, the VBPOA eventually went with famous but shadowy BID consultant Tara Devine, about whom you are going to be hearing a LOT really soon.