And it doesn’t stop with propaganda, either. There are actual machines involved. See, e.g., page 5 of the Summer 2014 HPOA Newsletter, in which Kerry promotes machines that people can put money into instead of handing it personally to panhandlers. This, says she, is “a positive option for passersby to contribute change to help people.” These machines cost $2500 a pop and they’re looking at getting 12 of them. That comes to $30,000 altogether, which is actually about 2% of the HPOA’s annual security budget. There’s some serious purpose at work or the HPOA wouldn’t be willing to spend such an outrageous amount of money,7 but we’ll be damned if we can see what it is. Fortunately, we have an analytic tool that will let us understand everything and then explain it to you!

By 1937 the Nazi government had decrees in place which, according to historians Christopher R. Browning and Lewis H. Siegelbaum, had
extended the powers of preventive detention to include ‘asocials,’ namely those ‘who demonstrate through behavior towards the community, which may not in itself be criminal, that they will not adapt themselves to the community.’ Specifically included were beggars, tramps, whores, and alcoholics…and the ‘workshy’ or chronically unemployed.9
This all laid the groundwork for the Spring 1938 arrest and deportation to Buchenwald of more than 10,000 homeless men in what was known as Aktion Arbeitsscheu Reich. And what was the purpose of this action, so we might compare it to the purpose of the HPOA in pushing people not to give money to panhandlers? Well, as always with the Nazis, it’s hard to say, but it was certainly evil and genocidal. And behold the striking parallelism between these programs and their convergent evolution. As Albert Einstein said: quod erat demonstrandum.
- We can hear our high-school biology teacher now, just standing at the front of the room screaming about how evolution is neither intentional nor teleological. We remember, teach, really! It’s just that teleological imagery is too powerful to ignore in this rhetorical context, and it’s not like our lil old blog can do anything to increase the world’s ignorance about natural selection.
- Or, you know, maybe it’s not reasonable. But we’re all pragmatists around here. It’s certainly reasonable for our purposes, innit?
- Cf. Matt. 8:9.
- We’re sure there are any number of idiotic books in the business section of your local airport bookstore which make exactly this point. If there aren’t, there should be, and you’re welcome to our idea to make an easy zillion if you want it. We can’t be bothered with such trivia.
- The Nazi Conscience, Claudia Koonz, Belknap Press, 2003, p.71
- ibid. p.295n11.
- They seem to be soliciting donations for these contraptions rather than spending their own money on them, presumably so that they don’t have to cut back on the number of arrests they make.
- Comparison of these two species cribbed from the Wikipedia article on convergent evolution. Thanks, Jimmy!
- Frameworks for Social Engineering: Stalinist Schema of Identification and the Nazi Volksgemeinschaft by Christopher R. Browning and Lewis H. Siegelbaum in Beyond totalitarianism: Stalinism and Nazism compared, Michael Geyer and Sheila Fitzpatrick, Cambridge University Press 2009, pp.231-265. PDF available here.
Image of Nazi anti-begging poster belongs to the whole world now by moral right, doesn’t it? We nabbed this copy from the fabulous Deutsches Historisches Museum here. Images of Euphorbia obesa and Astrophytum asterias are released under the GDFL and the CC BY-SA2.5 respectively and are available via Wikimedia here and here. Screenshot from the Summer 2014 issue of the HPOA newsletter is classic fair use, just ask your intellectual property lawyer if it ain’t. Nazi collection can image is via Wikimedia here and is released under the CC BY-SA 4.0.