…to the “Old Timer” of Los Angeles! You…..who have seen the fine residential districts of Los Angeles despoiled by metropolitan development—must realize now that Los Angeles is destined soon to be a city of millons.
Protect your family by procuring at today’s prices a home place in the Hills of Hollywoodland—secured by fixed and natural restrictions against the inroads of metropolitanism and yet within twenty-five minutes of Seventh & Broadway.
Today is Your best opportunity. Are you going to sit idly by and let the March of Progress pass unheeded?

Furthermore, during the first half of the 1920s, according to Sides, the black and Mexican population of Watts was growing so rapidly that, in 1925, white residents begged L.A. to annex their then-independent city in order to prevent the election of a black mayor. In other words, right at the time this ad ran, the white people of L.A. were worried sick about darkies taking over their neighborhoods. It is in this context that we must read the heavily coded message about “the fine residential districts of Los Angeles despoiled by metropolitan development.” “Metropolitan” meant then in secret paleface lingo what “urban” means now. “Metropolitan development” means nothing more than black people moving in next-door and, if things progress as you know they’re gonna, marrying your daughter or worse. If that’s not plain enough for you, we turn to the lovely suburb of Eagle Rock, advertised heavily in the L.A. Times beginning in 1925, contemporaneously with Hollywoodland, through the lense of which we can see the whole thing laid out plain:
Favorable Restrictions help create a community of beautiful Homes! The Residents of Eagle Rock are all of the White or Caucasian race!
See, that’s what kind of restrictions they’re talking about. The kind that keep white people safe from living next to black people. It’s this kind of nonsense that gained this city the creepy moniker of The Great White Spot of America. It’s this kind of nonsense that the BIDs perpetuate into the present with their weirdly explicit fear-mongering about dark-skinned people in Hollywood. plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose yet again, eh, friends?
Both adverts, being from after 1923, are possibly still under copyright, and appear here under a claim of fair use.
Hollywoodland is still encumbered by municipal code with racial bias. The neighborhood is covered by the Hollywoodland Specific Plan, which refers to the ‘European’ theme of tract’s original deeds. But there is no reference of anything European in those deeds. In fact the only mention of anything “European” are the original racial restrictions on title ownership! Further there is a Design Review Board that is made up of only white people who use arbitrary guidelines to determine the ‘European-ness” of proposed homes. I can imagine non-white families preferring other neighborhoods because of this de-facto intimidation.