Adam Schiff hovering over a full-mouthed Peter Zarcone at one of those rubber chicken extravaganzas.I uploaded tons of emails today, some between the LAPD and the three Hollywood BIDs, some between CD13 and the Hollywood BIDs and/or the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. The LAPD emails are notable because I made the request that they were provided in response to on January 9, 2015. I have had to hassle them, complain to OIG about them, hassle them some more, bargain with them, plead with them, and finally, after more than 11 months, they actually handed over some emails. There seem to be about 16,000 pages to go, so at this rate I should have them all slightly less than 30 years from now. Dan Halden in March 2015. One thing I learned from the emails presented here is that Kerry Morrison does not know and will not learn how to spell his name.
At this point, by way of contrast, let me just mention that the staff at CD13, Dan Halden especially, and also Marisol Rodriguez, are helpful, honest, reliable, patient with my endless requests, and just all-round wonderful. We can all be proud that they’re part of our city government. Enough sentimentality! Without further ado, look here for the CD13 emails or download the PDFs directly: one—two—three—four. You can find the LAPD ones here or download the PDF directly here.
Over the coming weeks we will be writing about specific items, but I wanted to make all of them available to you as soon as possible. Please note that these are not all the emails that were responsive to my various requests, but only the ones that struck my fancy. The city of LA charges $0.10 per page, which can add up quickly. I chose these from approximately 3000 pages (between the LAPD and CD13 combined). I wish I could find a way to get all of them to avoid selection bias, but it doesn’t seem to be possible in the current circumstances. Let me know if you spot any items you’d like us to highlight, and watch the blog for discussion of some of the hidden gems. We might get around to one or two today, but if not, on behalf of the family, I’d like to wish you all a very lovely Christmas.