Just as she did last month, Besley claims that there will be “more to report next time.” You can see even earlier discussion of the Tree Vandal in boffo security king Steve Seyler’s reports to the Joint Security Committee. The investigation has been about to produce results for an awfully long time now. If we hadn’t seen the damage with our own eyes we’d be starting to wonder if the Tree Vandal might not be named Emmanuel Goldstein.
We suggested previously that the vandalism might be an act of protest against the repressive atmosphere the BIDs create in Hollywood. Here’s more circumstantial evidence that this is the case:

And finally, you can listen here as Sunset-Vine BID Board member Fabio Conti proposes putting the trees in cages to protect them from vandalism. They’re already in a cage, Fabio: the prison of the Sunset-Vine BID. You need to take them out of the cage to protect them. If you love your trees, set them free!
- You can watch the whole discussion here but there’s really nothing new going on so we’re not going to bother to transcribe it.
The image of the unvandalized tree is ©2014 MichaelKohlhaas.org. The google maps screenshot showing its location is not subject to copyright protection for the usual reasons. The Emmanuel Goldstein image appears under a fair-use claim.