Also recently I received a bunch of minutes from the Board meetings of the Historic Core BID, and you can turn the page for a link and some brief comments.
Anyway, yeah, the minutes are here on Archive.Org. They’re interesting for what they reveal about staffing over at the HCBID, that second weirdest of the smaller downtown BIDs. For instance, the famed Patti Berman, also of the Downtown LA Neighborhood Council, worked for them for a while but now she doesn’t.2 However, there’s not much other info in these things3 because Blair Besten has evidently taken to putting all the juicy details, if juicy details there be, into separate reports, copies of which she did not supply with these minutes. I’ll let you know as soon as I get them!
Image of Blair Besten shamelessly rips off a trope developed by the late, great, Andy Warhol. I started with this picture of Blair Besten with a bunch of cops, shamelessly nabbed from La Blair’s Twitter feed and then sent through the fine-grinding mills of the MK.Org transformativo-imaginactionistic jpeg processing facility to the point where, changed, changed utterly, so that a terrible beauty is born, it is now eligible to be released under the label ©2017 MichaelKohlhaas.org.
- And elsewhere in the code for BID renewals, which are run in essentially the same manner as establishments, with the (fairly horrific) difference that establishments max out at a five year term, whereas property-based BIDs can renew for up to ten.
- Which seems to be the occasion for an inordinate amount of whinging from Blair Besten about how understaffed she is. Simple solution? Hire more staff! You’re welcome!!
- Unless I just haven’t learned how to read them yet, which is highly possible.