Amazingly, Sanitation did supply me with materials. It was just the part about getting them in advance of the clean ups that was difficult. On August 5 I asked for the first time. On August 17 they asked for an extension. On September 13, after a certain amount of wheedling on my part, they sent me material for July and August, and a few days later, partial material for September. Still nothing in advance, though:
- July 2016 HE Conf
- July Calendar
- August Calendar (PDF)
- August Calendar (xlsx)
- August HE conf.
- September Calendar
- September HE Conf
The most important ones are the “HE Conf”1 documents. Those represent confirmed locations of clean-ups by Council District for the given month. They also reveal the suspected but, to my knowledge, unproven fact that locations where clean-up is requested by the Council District are given priority over other locations.2 I will be requesting these for the past as well as for the future. I think that mapping this data and otherwise analyzing it will provide important insights into the City’s mostly unarticulated-in-public policies towards the homeless, as well as deeper understanding. And understanding this world is fine. But the point3 is to change it.
Which is where my insistence on obtaining future information is essential. If we can get regular advance notice of clean-ups, we can get many of them filmed and on YouTube for the world to see. Even if nothing egregious happens at most of them, and probably that’s true, it will be crucial to be able to compare videos with the reports prepared later, and so on. So I kept hassling LA Sanitation and, miracle! Yesterday they sent me the schedule for today, September 29, 2016. It’s a proof of concept, and it means that eventually I will get a regular flow of future information. After the first one, they’ve admitted that the information isn’t exempt, and all that’s left is to work out the practical details, which I’m working on. That’s part one of this story.
And it’s also on Archive.Org. I also put all the still photos up there in full resolution in case you can use them for anything. Interestingly, one of the cops involved, Officer Robles, spent a lot of time talking to me about what they were doing. He invited me behind the line for a minute to film a bucket full of needles they’d collected. His theory was that help was available for homeless people but that they mostly didn’t want it. He also told me that they’d cleaned up this location before and they’d do it again. He thought the residents would return within a few hours after the operation concluded. And I’m going to give him the last word here, because why not?
All photos are ©2016 MichaelKohlhaas.org.
- Seems to mean “Homeless Encampment Confirmed,” but I’m not completely sure.
- In one sense this isn’t shocking, but I think it’s not shocking because Angelenos are numb to the fact that their Councilmembers function as dictators within their own districts.
- As my Commie philosophy profs in college never seemed to tire of reminding me.
- This is my next avenue for trying to get a regular stream of more than one day’s advance notice. These notices must have been prepared and posted more than one day in advance. And they constitute public records. Getting those is as good as getting the schedule. As always, stay tuned.
- This block of DeLongpre is bounded on the East by Virgil and on the West by Lyman Place. The whole block is right behind the Vons at Sunset and Hollywood or, more importantly, directly across Virgil from where Ricky’s Fish Tacos truck parks.