Sometimes I actually have to sit on the curb to eat my pupusa. It seems like there’s so much opportunity for some expansion and breathing room — i don’t personally see how that would affect the urban charm.”
Well, we don’t have time to express a cogent opinion on her arguments or the whole (thankfully moot) kerfluffle about moving the Market, but what a surprise that she cops to sitting on the curb to eat her pupusa (although if we had to bet, we’d bet that she’s just making the whole thing up to demonstrate solidarity with the non-zillionaire non-elite masses or some such manipulative nonsense. She really doesn’t strike anyone who knows her as a cheerfully-curb-sitting pupusa-eater). See, sitting on the curb in the absence of a parade is a freaking crime. By her own admission Kerry Morrison is a criminal. She doesn’t seem to mind confessing to it in print, probably because she’s the BID Patrol’s boss and no one but the BID Patrol arrests people for sidewalk-sitting in Hollywood anymore. Even the LAPD has better things to do, it seems. And out of those 103 people arrested in 2011 by the BID Patrol for sitting on the sidewalk how many of them were named Kerry Morrison? Exactly zero. Too bad the statute of limitations has run out! But it’s never too late to do the right thing, Kerry! Turn yourself in, for the sake of your credibility! Oh, wait! Too late!
Image of Kerry Morrison is an edited version of a public record, obtained for us from the HPOA via the CPRA.