This is not a police officer, it’s unregistered-with-the-police-commission BID Patrol officer M. Gomez (Badge #148) looking a lot like a police officer.Recently I
discovered that BID security contractors weren’t registered with the LA Police Commission and that no one seemed to know why.
Further investigation suggested that perhaps registration had just fallen through the cracks. Well, after rereading
the material from the Council file and requesting and receiving the
Police Commission minutes from April 25, 2000, I noticed that there was at least one possibly significant difference in the
April 25, 2000 version of LAMC 52.34 that the Commission sent over to the Council on April 27 as compared to the
version that the City Attorney sent to the Council on March 31 and that it’s possible to make some kind of a case that this difference answers the BID security question. It’s not a likely case, though. Read on for details on both the potential argument and some potential objections to it.
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