Of course you remember a few weeks how Juli Quinn, president of the Board of Directors of the white supremacist criminal charter school conspiracy known as The Accelerated Schools, threw her toys from the pram and shut down a meeting just because public commenters said some true things. And the subject that they were commenting on was, of course, the unreasonable firing of long-time employee and union member Hilda Rodriguez-Guzman.
But what you might not have known is that Hilda has been continuing to investigate wrongdoing at TAS via, among other things, the California Public Records Act. And this is how she recently obtained official audio recordings of the last three TAS board meetings. She shared them with me and I’m sharing them with you by publishing them on Archive.Org for download and on YouTube for streaming. Here are links:
★ June 27 part 1 — YouTube | MP3 | Ogg Vorbis
★ June 27 part 2 — YouTube | MP3 | Ogg Vorbis
★ August 29, 2019 — YouTube | MP3 | Ogg Vorbis
★ October 24, 2019 — YouTube | MP3 | Ogg Vorbis
And this is important information to have. And it came with an unexpected bonus which supplies even more important information. After Quinn shut down the October 24 meeting the Board did not stop recording immediately and thereby captured some comments by facilities manager Tom Nizetich to executive assistant Mia Watson about how the protesters ought to be handled in his opinion. Here’s what he said:
Tom Nizetich: God damnit! He’s letting Vincent deal with these people while he’s on the fucking telephone!
Mia Watson: Who? Garcia!
Nizetich: Yes! How could you! Son of a bitch drives me out of my mind! The police! Good luck getting them over here! Just shuffle these people out of here!
Watson: Seriously!
Nizetich: God almighty!
Vincent is chief financial officer Vincent Shih. Garcia is security guard Guillermo Garcia. Nizetich is upset that Garcia is wasting time calling the police when, according to Nizetich, he ought to just “shuffle these people out of here” on his own.
And it’s interesting that Nizetich doesn’t want the LAPD to deal with the protesters, or I guess that he thinks they won’t show up. Interesting and also crazy, because when we finally made it outside there were at least five police cars waiting.
And it’s not surprising, not at all, that Nizetich calls parents, union members, members of the community, “these people” and wants his security guard to “shuffle them out.” Not surprising but appalling. Appalling but solvable. That’s the moral of today’s otherwise inconclusive report. There are serious problems at TAS but they can be solved by our political action. Exposing them is only the first step in a long process, already underway. And you’ll read all about it here as the process unfolds!
Image of Tom Nizetich is ©2019 MichaelKohlhaas.Org.
Further, after the meeting visitors explained their circumstances to the police, one police officer was so moved as to be photographed with the group!! Silent Solidarity…
for reference, here’s the url to the juicy bits: https://youtu.be/TqfnX2XWBlE?t=2570
Indeed! Thanks for bringing that up…