Well, just one day after I decided to add Cory Spencer v. Lunada Bay Boys to my PACER watchlist, an avalanche of opposition to the plaintiffs’ motion to have the thing turned into a class action suit hit the RSS feed. It’s all pretty interesting, and I have uploaded it all to the Archive.Org page that I made yesterday to host all this stuff on. There is a list of new items with links after the break, but the common theme of many of them, as exemplified in the Objection to Plaintiffs’ Evidence in Support of Motion for Class Certification, a 112 page behemoth with which most if not all of the individual defendants seem to have joined in, seems to go something like this:
- There is no such thing as the Lunada Bay Boys.
- But if there is such a thing as the Lunada Bay Boys, none of the defendants are members of it.
- But if some or all of the defendants are members of it, they didn’t do any of the stuff alleged in the complaint.
- But if they did do some or all of the stuff alleged in the complaint, they didn’t do it to the plaintiffs.
- But if they did do it to the plaintiffs, there wasn’t really any cognizable damage.
- But if there was cognizable damage, it’s not really possible to figure out who was damaged.
The City of Palos Verdes Estates (PVE) along with their Chief of Police take a slightly different tack in e.g. their opposition to the motion for class certification. Their theory seems to be that since one plaintiff said something nice about the PVE cops in 2016, they must be innocent all the way back to 1966. Perhaps that even makes sense (?!)
In any case, the hearing on this is scheduled for Tuesday, February 21, 2017 in the brand new shiny beautiful 1st Street Courthouse in Courtroom 10C. Perhaps I’ll see you there. As mentioned above, turn the page for a list of links to newly filed items.1
- Plaintiffs’ Notice of Errata
- Revised Declaration of Peter Neushul
- Revised Declaration of Philip King
- City of PVE and Chief Kepley Opposition to Motion for Class Certification
- Declaration of Edwin Richards in Support of previous item
- City of PVE and Chief Kepley Evidentiary Objections to Motion for Class Certification2
- City of PVE and Chief Kepley Responses in Opposition to Separate Statement in Support of Motion for Class Certification
- Brant Blakeman Opposition to Motion for Class Certification
- Declaration of Richard Dieffenbach in Support of previous item
- Brant Blakeman Opposition to Plaintiffs’ Statement of Undisputed Facts in Support of Motion for Class Certification
- Sang Lee’s Opposition to Motion for Class Certification
- Objection to Plaintiffs’ Evidence in Support of Motion for Class Certification — Here’s where the defendants tear into all the plaintiffs’ declarations that I wrote about yesterday
- Defendants Charlie Ferrara and Frank Ferrara’s Joinder in Opposition — There are four or five more pleadings that appear to be essentially like this one that I didn’t put up here.
Image of Downtown LA seen from Lunada Bay is by Laura Scott Photography, who has kindly made it available under the CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license and it is available via Flickr.