Now, long-time readers of this blog will recall that in March 2015 we broke the story that Fabio Conti, Carol Massie, Kerry Morrison, Marty Shelton, and pretty much everyone on the Board of Directors of the Sunset & Vine BID except for Chase Gordon are a bunch of racists who want to shut down every bar on Hollywood Boulevard because they don’t like the skin color of the patrons. So imagine our pleasure at learning that Mike Ayaz, the Rusty Mullet’s lawyer, actually showed our video at the hearing! This was part of the evidence for his position, with which we concur, that the restaurant appears on a hit list of bars being targeted for racist reasons by the BID, the LAPD, and the City Government. You can hear the whole clip here, where he refers to Fabio’s speech as “disturbing video which I would like to play of a quasi-governmental agency that basically…I think I’ll let the video speak for itself.” And speak for itself it does:
Turn the page for some other interesting bits!
First up, here’s LAPD Vice Squad Officer Benjamin Thompson (#39467) narrating a video and claiming that it shows a bunch of sketchy people loitering in front of the Rusty Mullet:
Lying cop: What you’re looking at is the North sidewalk of Hollywood Boulevard directly outside of the Rusty Mullet premises. This is the Southern wall of the Rusty Mullet property, you’ll see on the left side of your screen. Again, if you look at the other retail venues, the other expanses of Hollywood Boulevard, you don’t see these loitering crowds.
Audience member: It’s a bus.
Lying cop: For the record there is no bus stop there.
Audience: [outraged outburst in response to cop’s lies]
LC: I do not see a bus stop sign. It does appear on the video that that man is looking for a bus, but I have not seen a sign out there.
Benjamin Thompson (giggling inappropriately): There’s a bus; so it appears you’re right…
Fascinating, isn’t it? He’s convicted of being a liar by his own freaking video, which one would assume that he would have watched before testifying about it and therefore have known that there was in fact a bus stop there. But not only did he not do that, he isn’t even ashamed when his own video proves him wrong. He giggles about it. Ha ha, Officer Thompson! You neglected to prepare for your testimony in this case, but maybe you can prepare in advance of your upcoming Board of Rights hearing;1 by reading Section 110.40 of the LAPD Manual, which states that one of your department’s core values is:
110.40 INTEGRITY IN ALL WE SAY AND DO. Integrity is our standard. We are proud of our profession and will conduct ourselves in a manner that merits the respect of all people. We will demonstrate honest, ethical behavior in all our interactions. Our actions will match our words. We must have the courage to stand up for our beliefs and do what is right. Throughout the ranks, the Los Angeles Police Department has a long history of integrity and freedom from corruption. Upholding this proud tradition is a challenge we must all continue to meet.
We didn’t really think lying in a hearing and then giggling when your own evidence exposes you is consistent with meriting the respect of all people, but maybe we’re just picky that way.
And finally, here’s CD13 Hollywood Field Deputy Dan Halden’s testimony:
We were going to write about this today, but this post is already too long, and we’re a little worn out, so we’ll save it for another day. But give it a listen if you’re interested.. he’s reading some kind of prepared statement, and we couldn’t spot anything true in it past the point where he says his name, but ’tis par for the course, ain’t it?
Image of Fabio Conti and the neo-Manson girls is ©2016 MichaelKohlhaas.org, as are images of the freaking bus stop sign right in front of the freaking Rusty Mullet.