BID Patrol officer Michael Lee Coogle has some fairly surreal ideas on what constitutes effective therapy methods.I’ve written a lot recently on the BID Patrol’s penchant for amateurish social psychology, made dangerous by the fact that they’re essentially a privatized militia in the service of a bunch of narcissistic zillionaires. For instance, they think that the purpose of an involuntary mental health hold is to get rid of people who irritate the BID Patrol, that they somehow have the right to force people whom they perceive as mentally ill to relocate based on the aesthetic content of their speech, and to use conservatorships as a tool for keeping undesirables out of Hollywood. So I suppose that what I just read in this daily patrol log from last October about BID Patrol darling-amongst-unlicensed-social-workers Michael Lee Coogle1 isn’t that surprising.