I haven’t been writing on the Lunada Bay Boys case since District Court Judge James Otero dismissed most of the federal part, although the state action still continues. This hasn’t been out of a lack of interest, but mostly because other things keep coming up, and also I’m familiar with PACER and know very little about state level courts’ document systems. But I’m taking the story up again!
The big newsflash is that the Lunada Bay Boys, thuggish white-privilege-fueled morons that they are, evidently couldn’t live without their damn rock fort. Or they couldn’t live with the fact that some government agency, controlled by darkies, just ask them, had the power to force the demolition of their damn rock fort. It amounts to the same thing in the end, and, as the photos at the top of this post, taken in April 2018, demonstrate, they have started rebuilding it, contrary to the laws of God and the State of California. This, they’re going to pay for. They’re too blinded by white privilege to see it, but it’s nevertheless true as true can be.
And I started a page on Archive.Org to collect the pleadings going forward. There are two items in there now, and turn the page for links and brief discussion.
◈ April 13, 2018 — First Amended Class Action Complaint (pt. 1) — This is a stunning piece of work. It outlines the history of the Bay Boys’ thuggery, the present state of it. It is liberally sprinkled with the usual psychotic quotes from the Bay Boys’ texts, gripping yet nauseating accounts of their characteristic antics, stirring explanations of how wrong their actions are and why, and so forth. I cannot do it justice with excerpts, and I can’t transcribe the whole thing. I know that reading a PDF on a phone is not the easiest thing in the world, but this is worth any amount of trouble.
◈ April 13, 2018 — First Amended Class Action Complaint (pt. 2) — This has the exhibits, and some of them are brand new, at least to me, and really important. Not least of these is the rogues gallery of Bay Boys to be found starting on page 62 of the PDF. I’ll just leave you with a few choice instances, but you really should look at all of them.
Mark Twain is seemingly summoned from the grave here, in reporting posing as clever social commentary. The sarcasm is present, although the irony is unintentional and uncharacteristic of Twain’s enlightened self-analysis. In covering this asinine case, your « organization » merely follows prevailing antipathy toward wealth and privilege. And by name-calling, you debase yourself in the same manner in which the defendants are accused. Puleeze. Sour grapes for the masses, you posit, the downtrodden lower classes, but what you really report in your biased journalistic mimicry is class resentment that’s just as ugly as one percent elitism . What you miss, however, in parroting other sources is the essence of surfing: localism. The Bay Boys you popularly defile are parents, taxpayers and business owners. They are my friends. None of us asked to be born into white privilege and inherited wealth, or to gros up as surfers at a jewel of a surf spot. Life isn’t fair — get over it. And please stop denigrating our community with an ignorant, classist approach. Gang? The only guns here are boards, and drive bys mean checking waves. Sorry, not sorry.
OMG, thank you! The biggest problem I have in writing this blog is that I’m not a subliterate white supremacist zillionaire asshole so the best I can do for my readers is tell them over and over what subliterate white supremacist zillionaire assholes are like. Words only go so far, though, especially compared to your live internet performance informed by your real actual self! A chance to see the real thing coming from you is worth a zillion of my poor empty words! Thanks again!