Dan Halden of CD13 forwards links to MK.org around to his colleagues and tells them not to reply. What’s up with THAT, we wonder, although we could certainly make a guess!Last Wednesday our faithful correspondent and a small contingent of other MK.org staffers hit the 704 Eastbound on SMB to the Echo Park Office of Hollywood’s own Mitch O’Farrell, where he had an appointment with Hollywood Field Deputy Daniel Halden to look at both oodles and scads of very highly miscellaneous emails and other goodies.
It was our intention to follow our traditional course of conduct after such missions and hit up the loveliest Brite Spot at the corner of Sunset and Park, but ’twas not to be. For some reason known only to them and their accountant they’re closing at 4 pm throughout the Summer. One can only hope and pray that they’ll get back to normal hours later. But we digress. The Brite Spot in May 2016. This is your brain on diners.Here is a link to the raw scans, which we’ve barely had time to sift through. Some are renamed, but most are not. Extraneous blank pages have mostly not yet been stripped. If you’re interested in reading hundreds of pages of emails from her highness, Queen Laurie Goldman about random multi-use monstrosities in Hollywood and why Robert Silverstein is pretty much Satan incarnate we’ll hook you up! There’s even a letter from Silverstein to someone about something in there somewhere. We got a few emails about recent anti-nightclub conspiracies between Mitch O’Farrell and the cops (recall that we reported on this a lot last year). But the real gems (that’s sarcasm, of a sort) we’ll reveal below the fold!
First of all we found Dan Halden’s First Friday notes from March through May of this year. Dan and the HPOA staff meet once a month so they can bitch about everything and he can fix it. If you read carefully you’ll see hints that they’re looking to reclaim Selma Park for the fascist sterility at the altar of which they so fervently worship. We don’t think they have much of a chance of pulling that off, but we’re hitting up Rec and Parks and a bunch of other people with CPRA requests just to be sure. Carol Schatz is perhaps the biggest whiner ever to hang around the lobbies of City Hall trying (and mostly succeeding) to get elected politicians to do whatever the hell she wants.
You might also find a hint that zillion dollar woman Carol Schatz has been pissing and moaning to Mike Feuer about having to comply with CPRA. This is certainly due to our efforts. We sent out a round of CPRA requests to try to find out what’s up with this, although she was bitching about it in March and we haven’t heard word one about it. Except for the fact that Suzanne Holley, Carol Schatz’s DCBID minion, has essentially stopped complying with our requests, which may be a strategy on their part. Either way, it may well lead to unintended consequences. Cory Palka wondering where he left his white horse and if it’s all saddled up and ready to ride to the rescue.
Also, recall that the Greater West Hollywood Food Coalition has been planning a move into the Entertainment District BID, specifically to the Salvation Army at Hollywood and Bronson, and that Kerry Morrison has been flipping the fuck out about it starting around May 2016. Well, we’ve seen that when Kerry Morrison flips the fuck out, Cory Palka comes riding to the rescue (and then they all sit around their secret headquarters and have a good laugh about the pain on which they thrive). So we were in no way surprised to find that around the same time Cory Palka was planning a conference call with Dan Halden and David Ryu’s chief of staff Sarah Dusseault to discuss the issue. At this point there’s certainly no way to discover what was said, but the chances are high that he was channeling Kerry Morrison’s irrational hatred of all things Landreth.
And finally a little validation for all our hard work! That’s right, Dan Halden himself sent an interoffice email in which he forwarded around a link to this very blog!! And here is the link he forwarded so you can read along with the Councilfolk.1 In closing, note the subject line: “FYI — no response necessary to this email.” Of course no response necessary…send responses and see them slathered all over the internets courtesy of this blog three weeks later. Ain’t nobody got time for that!