For some time we’ve promised you an opportunity to visit the Andrews International training facility in Burbank where they have a shooting range and a FATS simulator. FATS stands for Fire Arms Training Simulator, and it presents a realistic training experience. I’ve tried this a couple times and it is very humbling and helps us all appreciate the split second judgements that must be made by law enforcement.
If any of you would like to participate, we are going to venture up to their facility next Wednesday, February 19 at 11 a.m. Bill Farrar will bring in sandwiches and everyone will have an opportunity to experience both FATS and the shooting range, if you would like. We should be ready to return to Hollywood by 1:30-2 pm.
Please RSVP to me by Monday afternoon so we can plan for food. I will also send out address and parking instructions next week.
Best regards, and have a great weekend,
You can get an idea of what this FATS thing is like by watching this video made by the Pasadena PD. In particular, according to the training officer:
There are several different weapons that the officers can use. We like to match…each officer here at the department uses different weapons, or is assigned a different weapon of their choosing. The system allows us to use each and every weapon, such as Glocks, or Sigs, or 1911s. Even rifles, shotguns, tasers, we’re able to use them all through the system.
And what kind of situations does the Pasadena PD play out on its FATS? We’re glad you asked. According to the training officer: “Everyday scenarios such as encountering a transient at the park…” That certainly ought to be a popular one with the Joint Security Committee, which is famous for its rants about whiny liberals who prevent the police from beating and killing the homeless or about how scary the homeless are and how the BID Patrol has to be meaner to them. What better group to take a field trip out to beautiful downtown Burbank to play a video game where you win by shooting “a transient in the park”?
I noticed the pink handgrips on his partner’s bike. So he called her over, and fellow BID security officer Cortney [sic] Kanagi was happy to show us her matching pink handcuffs and the pink grip on her handgun.
Proof that you can be feminine while riding a bike.
Or subduing a suspect.
There’s really nothing left to say after that.
Image of Kerry Morrison is a public record. Image of Bill Farrar is ©2016 MichaelKohlhaas.org. Image of Courtney Kanagi is deep-linked to.