BIDs are required to send these reports to the City Clerk, who keeps them on file. They contain detailed narratives of the BIDs’ activities and are invaluable for understanding what’s going on. I have a ton of these from other BIDs as well, but they’re not quite ready for prime time. If there’s something you need urgently, though, drop me a line and I will try to fix you up.
Also, courtesy of the much-more-helpful-lately-than-she-has-been-in-the-past Suzanne Holley of the Downtown Center BID we have a massive pile of Central Area Crime Control stuff from the LAPD. This is valuable because getting it out of the LAPD would be practically impossible, and yet here it is. See what Compstat output looks like and much else of interest.
Finally, I have a bunch of emails, and there are details after the break:
I have 15 months worth of emails between the Downtown Center BID and lacity.org email addresses. Suzanne Holley told me this evening, after I spotted some omissions, that this was not in fact complete, but nevertheless there are hundreds of fascinating documents here on all manner of timely subjects. I’m currently especially interested in the whole sidewalk vending thing, but there’s so much more than that. Note that attachments to the emails are attached to the PDFs and can be extracted. How this is done depends on your operating system. If you have problems let me know and I will try to help or, at the very least, send you copies of those attachments that you need:
- 2015 Emails between LA City and DCBID
- 2016 Emails between LA City and DCBID—Through March 15, 2016.
Picture of Devin and Joe and the gang doing something somewhere is a public record and we got it from the HPOA website.