It’s not discussed in the article we’re citing, but it’s surely plausible that such degradation made it easier for the SS to go about their unholy work of genocide. No matter how cruel the project, the guards carrying it out were still human beings, and is it not easier to send millions of people to their deaths if they’re smeared with their own shit and therefore, at least in that one sense, not fully human? Or to move them away from their native land so that you and your totalitarian buddies can move in? This principle has been rediscovered throughout history by those who have need of such a tool.

Which brings us back around to Steve Seyler, bully boy bossman of the BID security patrols and Reinhard Heydrich of the HPOA’s campaign to ethnically cleanse Hollywood of its homeless untermenschen.
Take a look at the man’s report to the Joint Security Committee of the Hollywood Entertainment District BID and its kissin’ cousin the Sunset-Vine BID for October 2014. See especially page 13, where we find Seyler, in his characteristically weird blend of contempt and self-satisfied humor, telling us that “out of the kindness of [his] heart” he’s not going to show the committee a photograph of the shit in the gutter serving as evidence against a poor woman who, forced by the conscious policy of the HPOA to relieve herself in the public street, was arrested by Seyler’s minions, the BID patrol. We also find him giving her one of his moronic epithets (a practice he now seems to have abandoned). Yeah, ha-ha, Steve, and very kind. It’s clear enough to the few human beings who’ve read your work that the real crime is not shitting in the streets, it’s designing the streets so that people are forced to shit in them.
- This account is taken from Robert-Jan Van Pelt’s fine article, A Site in Search of a Mission, occupying pages 93-156 of Yisrael Gutman’s and Michael Berenbaum’s indispensible anthology Anatomy of the Auschwitz death camp.
- Ibid. p.130
Merda Umana image by Carlo Minucci is released under the CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 and is available from the photographer’s flickr stream here. Image of Rudolph Höss being hanged by Polish authorities is in the public domain. Who’s gonna complain, anyway, since all governments in action here are defunct, eh? You can get your own copy, complete with some random Wikipedia editor’s delusory theories about the reproduction rights, here if you want it. Image of Steve Seyler is ©2014 by us. Image of Patton in LA is public domain for the usual reasons, innit?