Somehow BIDs, like everything else, are all Richard Riordan’s fault.Recall that last month
last month I raised the question of where the City Clerk gets the authority to vote all of the City’s property in favor of BID formation, and about two weeks ago,
this question was answered by Miranda Paster, who pointed me towards
Council File 96-1972, part of which is the ordinance that directs the Clerk how to vote the City’s parcels. Well, the file is too old to include online material, but a couple days ago I had a chance to visit the
L.A. City Archives over on Ramirez Street to look through the file. There was a lot of stuff, most of it not that interesting, but I did copy a few items, and here they are for your sake and the sake of history! You can get them
at Archive.Org for one thing. Also here
in the menu structure, and finally
directly here. They’re also linked-to and discussed a little bit after the break.
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