These were hands down the second best fried potatoes I’ve ever had in my life.1 This isn’t a damned food blog, though, so I’ll spare you the crispy-chewy-salty-greasy details and commence with the politics. Remember that this is the kind of lovely urban situation that business improvement districts want to kill with fire to satisfy their weirdo puritanical neurotic obsessive hang-ups and yet another example of why BIDs must be crushed, burnt, eradicated, with salt plowed into the fields where once they flourished. In any case, it’s worth remembering that the fight for legalized street vending in Los Angeles is not just about human rights, about human dignity, about justice, about freedom, it’s also about really, really delicious food. Los vendedores ambulantes no son criminales, compadres!
Image of papas fritas is ©2016 MichaelKohlhaas.org.