Video of Yesterday’s Central City East Association Meeting Now Available

Edward Camarillo at the January 26, 2016 meeting of the CCEA at 725 S. Crocker Street.
Edward Camarillo at the January 26, 2016 meeting of the CCEA at 725 S. Crocker Street.
I’m formally initiating coverage of the Central City East Association with some video of yesterday’s meeting of the Board of Directors at CCEA headquarters at 725 S. Crocker Street. You can find Part 1 and also Part 2. Note that the record is not complete because the Board went into closed session and I couldn’t stick around to see them reconvene. Part I consists entirely of CD14 representative Jose Huizar policy director Martin Schlageter talking about homeless issues in the BID’s territory and then, most interesting of all, taking questions from the Board members. The level of micromanagement is astonishing. We hope to write on some of the details later, but check some representative Q&A after the break. Part 2 is mostly taken up by a representative from the Runyon Group seeking CCEA support for entitlements for their ROW DTLA project (this project was formerly known as Alameda Square). Someone here will be writing on this soon in some detail.

Martin Schlageter explaining that a shopping cart occupies more than 60 gallons of volume.
Martin Schlageter explaining that a shopping cart occupies more than 60 gallons of volume.

Images of Edward Camarillo and Martin Schlageter are ©2016


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