- How much property will homeless people get to keep once the new LAMC 56.11 starts? (Answer: 60 gallons).
- Do tents count against the 60 gallons? (Short answer: yes).
- What about carts? (Answer: One cart is OK since it allows mobility, a second cart counts against the 60 gallons and can therefore be confiscated).
- Does the new law allow BIDs to confiscate stuff? (Answer: No. BIDs are on their own). This is a crucial point. With the City and the CCEA being sued by LACAN and LACW under a theory that they’re conspiring together, it’s news when the City tells the BID they’re on their own. More to come on this matter.
Images of Edward Camarillo and Martin Schlageter are ©2016 MichaelKohlhaas.org.