The careful reader will note that the HPOA continues to violate the plain language of the California Public Records Act by converting the original MS Word documents into PDFs before handing them over. In fact, the metadata suggests that it was Joe Mariani who was personally responsible for this outlawry, or at least it was probably done on his computer. Joe, you don’t have to follow orders that require you to break the law, you know. You can just refuse. In fact, the HPOA’s own whistleblower policy encourages you “to report any action or suspected action taken within the Corporation that is illegal, fraudulent or in violation of any adopted policy of the Corporation.” Come on, Joe! Be a mensch, drop a dime!
Well, they’re probably not going to stop breaking the law just because I ask them to, despite what I learned in high school civics. I wonder, though, when will they ever learn to fix the broken windows in their own home before they worry about everyone else’s? In any case, the riches here are beyond compare, so have a look! I’m going to put these out in paperback within the next few days, but I know you’ve been waiting bated-breathless for them, so I wanted to make them available as soon as I could. Enjoy! We will no doubt be writing about various details gleaned from this stuff for months, and please let us know if you spot any really juicy items, OK? OK!
Image of the Cahuenga Pass at night is released under the GFDL, which is free as in freedom as well as in beer, thank you very much, Mr. Stallman! I got it via Wikimedia.