FDBID Managing Director Rena Laddy has, after only a minimal amount of whining, sent along the first batch of stuff and consequently I’ve started a a new page in the menu structure as well as a new subdirectory in the directory structure to organize this material.
Finally, take a look at page 8 of this PDF of emails from UPS to the Fashion District BID. Here we have UPS’s Banyon Hutter (who long-time readers of this blog may recall as being famous for having his name mercilessly and illegally redacted by Raquel K. Beard) bragging about “working closely with [his] LE partners” to spy on some protest group, the Stop Mass Incarceration Network SoCal, even though, he jokes in his incomparably wry manner, that “as you can imagine based on the groups involved they do not communicate freely with Law Enforcement.” The capitalization’s in the original. Anyway, I should have bunches more stuff from the FDBID over the coming weeks.
The image of the smiling white people in the Fashion District is a public record and I got it from FD’s Instagram.