I do not know if you know about Alexa.Com. They are the premier website ranking service, and if you care you can read all about it on Wikipedia. This week, for the first time, the Alexa ranking of your heroes, MichaelKohlhaas.org, surpassed the Alexa ranking of your zeroes, the Hollywood Property Owners Alliance at OnlyInHollywood.Org.1 We are number 657,525 in the U.S. and they are number 682,470. Here are live links and screenshots:2
- Alexa rank for MichaelKohlhaas.Org. It is 657,525 in the U.S. at this writing. Here is a screenshot.
- Alexa rank for OnlyInHollywood.Org. It is 682,470 in the U.S. at this writing. Here is a screenshot.

That is the fabulous news!! And you can read below the fold for a discussion of our world rankings and more jokes about Nazis and BIDs.
Continue reading We Are Not Only Winning IRL, We Are Also Winning On The Internet!! MichaelKohlhaas.Org Surpasses Hollywood Property Owners Alliance Website In Popularity in U.S.!!!