Good evening, Los Angeles!! When last I wrote to you about all things Alexaic, the evil twins at the Hollywood Property Owners Conspiracy were Alexically more than 400,000 behind your heroes here at the MK.Org secret headquarters. Well, I have come out of my closet this evening to announce unto you that as of right now we are pretty much seven eighths of a million higher than those snively lil losers! That is right, check it!
- Alexa rank for MichaelKohlhaas.Org — is presently 3,473,069. Here is a screenshot.
- Alexa rank for OnlyInHollywood.Org — is way down at the bottom of the well at 4,347,998. Here is a screenshot.
- Alexa rank for DLANC.Org — is only 3,490,268. So we are even beating those dangerous downtown development dupes! I can hear them screaming REEEEEEEEEEE all the way in Hollywood, friends! I almost forgot but then I did not — Here is a screenshot.