Do to others what you want them to do to you. This is the meaning of the law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets.We
reported here about 10 days ago that BID bossette and
self-proclaimed prayer warrior Kerry Morrison is a zealous advocate of blasting classical music at night to repel homeless sidewalk sleepers, even to the point of intervening with property managers whose tenants complain that they also can’t sleep. And that little item turned out to be one of our most popular posts for the month of May, so we thought we’d follow up on it tonight. Recently a friend of this blog drew our attention to
Kerry Morrison’s staff bio from the
HPOA “about” page. And we can learn a lot from this little item, friends. For instance, note that Kerry Morrison
“…eschews loud music in restaurants.”
Well, Kerry, Jesus had two things to say about this and we have just one.
Continue reading Oh the Irony: Kerry Morrison, Proponent of Loud Music to Repel Homeless, Herself Complains Publicly About Loud Music in Restaurants →