First of all, they have let their domain expire! See it parked at Godaddy in the screenshot above. Now, this is probably not a permanent situation. Indeed, their whois record from this morning shows that the domain was renewed yesterday, and I suppose it will once again point at their website as soon as the DNS records propagate. However, things must be all falling to pieces over there for this even to have happened. Kerry Morrison has long been the kind of leader about whom even her detractors will concede that she will keep the metaphorical trains running on time, and keeping a domain name registered is one of the simplest trains of all. Is there not autorenewal at Godaddy? Did someone let their credit card expire? Enquiring minds wanna to know!1 Of course, even without evidence we are happy to take credit for this lapse and any other chaos they may be experiencing over there at their secret headquarters. They are like those little bugs that scurry all about when their subterranean antics are exposed to public view by having their rock lifted up by curious students of slimy undergrounditude!
And as long as I am writing about this domain name expiry drama, I thought I would take another look at their Alexa rankings in relation to our Alexa rankings. You may recall that two months ago they were doing badly and we were doing betterly. In particular, they were at 682,470 in the U.S. and we were at 657,525. Furthermore, we were at 4,630,498 in the world.2 Well, now check it out!
Continue reading The Hollywood Property Owners Alliance Domain Has Expired And Is Parked At Godaddy And We Are Gaining Even More Internet Credibilities Over The Poor Sad Little BID Peoples Of The Hollywood Property Owners Alliance!