An official BID Patrol photo of the Selma Park playground on April 27, 2011, entitled SELMA PARK VANDALISM. Because everyone knows that drawing on a playground with freaking chalk is vandalism. Fucking savages.First of all, I reorganized our documents. I think the new system will make it easier for you to find things. I know it’ll make it easier for me to add new material, and I have a lot of stuff coming in soon. The “Document” menu in the header now leads to a link and an iframe pointing at this page, which is just a raw files and directory set-up. For now I’m only allowing http access, but I might set up ftp access in the future. In any case, have at it! The only problem left unsolved is how to host the 15+ gigs of photos I have on hand. I’m working on a solution involving dropbox, since has turned out to be pretty slow for that many images and Flickr seems complicated for bulk uploads and metadata editing. I could be wrong about this, though. More news soon. Second, there’s a bunch of new stuff about Selma Park. Read on for details. More what-passes-for-vandalism amongst BID Patrol fascist art critics.In fact, there’s going to be so much new stuff that I added a whole subdirectory just for documents about the park. In there you can find a bunch of emails from the HPOA about how and why they hung up those goddamned signs. Most interestingly, these emails prove that it was in fact solely the HPOA that was responsible for the illegal signs. In that subdirectory there’s also a flyer that’s kind of interesting. Finally, there’s some material from Rec and Parks. I have even more material from them, but I haven’t prepped it for publication yet. Look for a group-written post on the HPOA material pretty soon, but I thought I’d throw the documents up here because we’re all a little busy and may not get to it for a few days.